By Mia Aaronson || Staff Writer A “predominantly white institution” (often referred to using the acronym “PWI”) is a term used to describe institutions of higher education where 50% or… Opinions Is Artificial Intelligence Taking Over the World? February 7, 2023 TCR By Emily Hanson |...
Scripture includes numerous passages that remind us what is true about God and what he thinks about us, passages that encourage and affirm our own spirits, equipping us to share the same with others. Here are several verses and assurances to get us started. I pray you find affirmation and e...
Mr. EAD is a racer who bears a significant resemblance to Mario, and appears often in a supporting role throughout the anime; his last name is an acronym for "Entertainment Anaylsis and Development". Lap 21: Battle of the Women After Rick (or Ryu in the Japanese version) and Jack do...
acronym widely used by Rosicrucians.[177] Furthermore, in 1619 Descartes moved to Ulm which was a well renowned international center of the Rosicrucian movement.[177] During his journey in Germany, he met Johannes Faulhaber who had previously expressed his personal commitment to join the ...
That enlightenment helps explain that puzzling first line, “Joy to the world, the Lordiscome” (emphasis added). I’ve often wondered why Watts didn’t choose “hascome.” Ms. Poblete gives us indication. God’s grace (explained in part by the acronym, God’s Riches at Christ’s Expen...
… or it may be the temptation to over-elaborate, eg explain an acronym for the benefit (presumably) of the intended target, in this case, those with psychosis. My favourite example of unintentional overloading, as posted by@Nickparker, is this wonderfullyseethingsign in Westminster: ...
In our study, we describe a new genus and species and test its phylogenetic position within Paederinae. We also discuss possible scenarios that could lead to the unprecedented set of morphological characters, including paedomorphic ones, and propose explanations for this phenomenon, such as paleoenvi...
CategoryAcronymMetric nameDescription I: patch density ①PD Patch density Number of patches per area II: patch shape ②SHAPE_AM Shape index Equals 1 when all patches are circular; increases with complexity of patch shapes; independent of patch size ③FRAC_AM Fractal dimension index Patch shape co...
Also a wonder? That those whogiveare even more blessed than those who receive[2]. Have you noticed that such moments of benevolence seem divinely energized by the Spirit of God? It’s downrightthrillingto be used by him in uplifting others with affirmation and encouragement—two words not as...
s National Political and Social Development Commission (Spanish language acronym: Coneval), the number of people in poverty has risen steadily for several years, much in line with Mexico’s rising total population. Coneval’s figures are based on a simple multidimensional poverty index, which ...