WWW (Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference) is one of the most important international conferences in the field of Internet technology. WWW 2022 was held as an online conference in Lyon, France, on April 25-29. A total of 1...
感觉均分在4.75+会比较稳,第二篇还需要好好rebuttal,加油 。
Conference : Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference 2024 Url: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3589334.3645462 Abstract: With the development of AI-Generated Content (AIGC), data is becoming increasingly important, while the right of data to be forgotten, which is defined in the General Data...
ACM 相似文献 引证文献Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Web science Welcome to the ACM Web Science 2014 Conference. This is the 6th conference of the series and the 3rd to be sponsored by ACM through the Special Interest Gr... F Menczer,J Hendler,W Dutton,... - 《Indian Journal...
A workshop of The ACM Web Conference 2022: https://www2022.thewebconf.org/ Graphs (also known as networks) are popular and widely-used representation of various complex data, such as World Wide Web, knowledge graphs, social networks, biological networks, traffic networks, citation networks, an...
曾在理论计算机的三大会议STOC/FOCS/SODA共发表论文27篇,荣获ICALP2007、FAW2010、ISAAC2010 等重要国际会议最佳论文奖。他曾获中国计算机学会青年科学家(2014),ACM杰出科学家奖(2019),和第八届世界华人数学家大会ICCM数学奖(原晨兴数学奖)银奖(2019)等荣誉,并担任FAW-AAIM 2012、WINE 2017、FAW 2018、ISAAC 2019...
Welcome to the Web site of the ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE). Technology This website is developed using theJekyllstatic site generator and hosted usingGitHub Pages. Jekyll uses the template engineLiquid. The current state of themasterbranch is always...
例如,Cha等人在ACM互联网度量会议(IMC 2007)的工作[3],发现YouTube这一全球最大的用户生成内容(User-Generated Content,UGC)在线视频系统中,视频的流行度(即观看量)也呈现幂律分布,即只有少数视频被大量用户观看,绝大多数视频的观看量较少,以此预测了视频内容访问量的时间演化分布,并提出了优化视频内容分发、防止...
威廉·英格利希,斯坦福研究所传奇般的在线系统NLS项目道格拉斯·恩格尔巴特的总工程师,告诉我他曾邀请布兰德参加恩格尔巴特准备在ACM IEEE秋季联合计算机会议上做的展示。该会议于1968年12月在旧金山举行。英格利希看到了早期的多媒体技术,当时的多媒体就是三台使用录音带的幻灯片放映机和一个共享的投影屏幕。他看过布兰德...
机译 i2i对视频会议的信任 作者:Ernst Bekkering;J. P. Shim; 刊名:Communications of the ACM 2006年第7期 摘要:Videoconferencing, the combination of real-time sound and real-time images of conversation partners in different locations, has long captured our imagination. Most prospective users...