Association for Computing Machinery,简称ACM,国际计算机协会创立于1947年,是全球历史最悠久和最大的计算机教育、科研机构。ACM目前提供的服务遍及全球100多个国家,会员数超过11万名,涵盖工商业,学术界及政府单位。 The ACM Digital Library数据库 收录了ACM的各种电子期刊、会...
ACM : Digital Library : Communications Of The ACMGemmell, JimBell, GordonLueder, Roger
One of the great resources available on the Internet is the ACM Digital Library. One of the problems for many is that access to this library is not free. I am a long time member of the ACM especially of SIGCSE –the Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education –and that ...
One of the great resources available on the Internet is the ACM Digital Library. One of the problems for many is that access to this library is not free. I am a long time member of the ACM especially of SIGCSE –the Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education –and that ...
ACM is the world's first educational and scientific computing society. Today, our members — over 80,000 computing professionals and students world-wide — and the public turn to ACM for authoritative publications, pioneering conferences, and visionary l
历史最悠久的 计算机 出版物之一《ACM 通讯(Communications of the ACM)》拆除了付费墙,正式拥抱开放获取:逾 60 年里出版的知名研究文章、开创性论文、技术报告、评论、现实实践和新闻报道向所有用户开放,不管他们是不是 ACM 会员还是订阅了 ACM Digital Library。A
Well, not just from the ACM, but also from people involved in the Ke-Sen Huang and ACM Publications situation. ACM SIGGRAPH membership also gives you access to just about all computer graphics papers in the ACM Digital Library. This I knew already, but found that others haven’t realized ...
Accepted papers will be published in the 2024 ACM-BCB Conference Proceedings and appear in the ACM Digital Library (note that ACM copyright permissions are directly compatible with those of the NIH and are similar to open-access journal policies). Selected full-length original research papers will...
The ACM Digital LibraryThe GuideNikolaou, CStephanidis, C
a total of 34 research papers were obtained from the ACM Digital Library, 33 were obtained from the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, and 10 were obtained from Springer Link. Up to 39 other research works were obtained from Google Scholar. Additionally, 13 other relevant websites were explored. Fin...