Measuring the frequency of the academic formulas list across corpora: A case study based in TED talks and Yale lectures - ScienceDirectPeter WingroveApplied Corpus Linguistics
学术词汇表牛津美式词典子列表1the academiclist.pdf,The Academic Word List The Academic Word List The Academic Word List was developed by Averil Coxhead, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. For further information on the Academic Word List and
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awl词汇表listacademicword学术 TheAcademicWordList(AWL)The570headwords,andotherforms,bylevelBelowareall570headwordsfromtheAcademicWordList.Theyarearrangedbylevel(10intotal),andalphabeticallywithineachlevel.Thislistisratherstatic.MoredynamictoolsforunderstandingandusingtheAWLwordsaretheAWLfinderandtheAWLhighlighterand...
牛津AW学术词汇表[Sublists of the Academic Word List].pdf,Sublists of the Academic Word List Each word in italics is the most frequently occurring member of the word family in the Academic Corpus. For example, anal- ysis is the most common form of the wor
There are a variety of effective study techniques available, such as the Pomodoro technique, the Leitner system, spaced repetition, and the Feynman technique—just to name a few from this list. Each method has its unique advantages and can help you improve your academic performance in different ...
financedfinancesfinancialfinanciallyfinancier financiersfinancingformulaeformulasformulateformulatedformulatingformulationformulationsreformulatereformulatedreformulatingreformulationreformulationsSublists of the Academic Word ListEach word in italics is the most frequently occurring member of the word family in the Academic ...
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They early revealed their mathematical abilities and moved rapidly along in their academic careers. For example, Euler, the son of a preacher in Basel, at the age of 20 was invited to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences as an adjunct, at 23 became a professor there, and at 39 became...
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