The Abyss: Regia di James Cameron. Con Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Michael Biehn, Leo Burmester. Un team di trivellatori petroliferi sottomarini viene incaricato di ritrovare un sommergibile nucleare affondato nella zona, e viene a contatto c
Movie Information Status: Released Movie Tagline: The Abyss Genres: Adventure, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction Release Date: 1989-08-09 Runtime: 140.0 Budget: $70.0 million Revenue: $90.0 million ProductionCompanies: Lightstorm Entertainment, Pacific Western, 20th Century Fox ...
As the alien ship rises up out of the abyss, some brief footage has been inserted as it rises in front of the rig. We see beams of intense light streaming into the rig's windows, and Lindsey looks at her hands as if something in the light is affecting her. (This could account for...
Also ranks #6 on Gal Gadot Movie List, Ranked Best To Worst By Fans Also ranks #7 on The 17 Best Spy Movies On Netflix Also ranks #28 on The Best Netflix Movies Of 2023 49 The Abyss Tuva Novotny, Felicia Truedsson, Peter Franzén 4 votes As the Swedish town of Kiruna...
In The Abyss, a deep-sea oil drilling team, led by foreman Virgil Bud Brigman (Ed Harris), confronts an otherworldly phenomenon after a U.S. nuclear submarine sinks mysteriously. Lindsey Brigman (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio), Bud's estranged wife and the project engineer, joins the rescu...
What's On/ Movies/ The Abyss Ed Harris,Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio,Michael BiehnDirected by:James CameronHow to watch on Roku The Abyss 1989PG13science fictionadventuredrama Oil-platform workers, including an estranged couple, and a Navy SEAL make a startling discovery. Streaming on Roku. Add ...
Thanks for instant streaming at my fingertips, Netflix. With no budget and just a bunch of slutty bitch-slapped biatches, Kevin Sorbo literally is the standout in this movie. The Why couldn’t you two have stolen this movie away? side characters had more depth and a more interesting look...
The women are experienced explorers but every shot of squeezing through tiny spaces as rubble gently falls, every huge cavern only lit in one tiny corner by their flares, and every step they take further into the abyss is heart-racing stuff. And this isn’t an unlikable crew of barely ...
“The macabre-yet-understated horror movie stares deep into the amoral abyss of publicly won justice through a fictional technothriller that mostly scares by suggestion. Set against a media circus emanating from a courtroom in Montreal, the highly publicized trial of Ludovic Chevalier (Maxwell McCabe...
The women are experienced explorers but every shot of squeezing through tiny spaces as rubble gently falls, every huge cavern only lit in one tiny corner by their flares, and every step they take further into the abyss is heart-racing stuff. And this isn’t an unlikable crew of barely ...