The Abyss: Regia di James Cameron. Con Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Michael Biehn, Leo Burmester. Un team di trivellatori petroliferi sottomarini viene incaricato di ritrovare un sommergibile nucleare affondato nella zona, e viene a contatto c
The latter addition became crucial. I likedThe Abyssin its theatrical cut but found the ending to just kind of collapse, as the last act falls flat. With the restoration of the aforementioned subplot, the conclusion makes more sense and doesn't cause you to wonder what happened. Don't get...
The Abyss Is James Cameron's Most Underrated Movie On December 6th, the 4K restoration of James Cameron's underrated film, The Abyss, hits theaters. Here's why it deserves more respect. By Tyler Geis Dec 2, 2023 James Cameron Why We Can't Wait To Watch James Cameron's The Abyss ...
【4K修复】HYDE - THE ABYSS @summer sonic 2022SMS汉化组 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 1539 0 03:49 App 【海德】SET IN STONE@HYDE LIVE 2022 BEAUTY&THE BEAST 1901 0 00:10 App 【HYDE】20180812 JAPAN COUNTDOWN HYDE 4578 6 00:35 App 【HYDE】SWITCHBLADE 海德一秒变装 5971...
深渊4K重映预告 简介 深渊7.9 138分钟 - 动作/冒险/科幻/惊悚 - 1989 导演:詹姆斯·卡梅隆 演员:艾德·哈里斯/玛丽·伊丽莎白·马斯特兰托尼奥 剧情:《深渊》的问世为电影特技的发展树立了里程碑似的方向,而卡梅隆在其中投射了自身情感的感情戏也感人至深。《深渊》的问世为电影特技的发展树立了里程碑似的方向,而卡梅...
The Abyss25 January 2024, mid-morningMezan, Mahi, Flora and I watched The Abyss last night at the Revue. I don’t think I’ve seen the film since the 90s. A new 4K restoration of the movie had it back in cinemas for one day last year, which I missed. I was happy to see I ...
The Abyss Exclusive: Screen Rant presents a BTS clip from the 4K remaster of The Abyss with James Cameron detailing the innovative submarine tech he used. ByGrant Hermanns Dec 18, 2023 “For Realism, A Zero”: James Cameron Sci-Fi Movie Gets 1 Scene Completely Wrong, Expert Says ...
James Cameron admitted "The Abyss" wasn't an obvious box office win due to its "mega-budget" and mixed test screenings.
Movie Review: DUNE PART TWO Blu-ray Review: DIVINITY Bluray Review: THE MARSH KING'S DAUGHTER DVD Review: INTO THE ABYSS Blu-ray Review: THE EXPENABLES 4 4K Blu-ray Review: THE CREATOR 4K Blu-ray Revew: TO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A. Blu-ray Review: FOG CITY 4K BR Review: OPPENHEIMER...
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