Note that as of March 2024, this Blu-ray version ofThe Abyssonly comes as part of a package with the film’s 4K UHD edition. Normally I don’t review discs that don’t enjoy solo releases, but given that the film never saw Blu-ray release prior to this set, I suspect plenty of f...
The Abyss: Regia di James Cameron. Con Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Michael Biehn, Leo Burmester. Un team di trivellatori petroliferi sottomarini viene incaricato di ritrovare un sommergibile nucleare affondato nella zona, e viene a contatto c
Blu-ray Review: FERRARI Blu-ray Review: I.S.S. Movie Review: DUNE PART TWO Blu-ray Review: DIVINITY Bluray Review: THE MARSH KING'S DAUGHTER DVD Review: INTO THE ABYSS Blu-ray Review: THE EXPENABLES 4 4K Blu-ray Review: THE CREATOR 4K Blu-ray Revew: TO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A. ...
James Cameron's The Abyss 4K Restoration Finally Coming to Blu-ray? The much-anticipated 4K restoration of James Cameron's The Abyss starring Ed Harris may finally be coming to Blu-ray. By Mike Sprague Mar 6, 2019 Movie News James Cameron Announces Avatar Comic Book Series Dark Horse...
Vudu/FAH - Separate entries for The Abyss and The Abyss (Special Edition). Both show as 4K, but only the regular version offers an option to redeem the digital code. However, each version does offer the other as a special feature but I don't have a way to verify the resolution of th...
On April 25th, Severin Films delivers Worldwide Blu-ray premieres of two of the most infamous titles in ‘80s EuroCult Sci-Fi, Bloody Disgusting has exclusively learned today.The titles? Alien From The Abyss, directed by Antonio Margheriti, and the Restored Director’s Cut of Extra Terrestrial...
I’m looking forward to seeing the review here on blu-ray.comabyss616 Mar 13, 2018 Wow, May is already nothing but dollar menu for me. At this pace anything can be released maybe back to the future, alien, lord of the rings. Like everyone says R.I.P my wallet....
Is The Abyss on Blu Ray? Director James Cameron has confirmed that his beloved film The Abyss has been recently remastered in 4K andwill be released on Blu-ray in 2017. Did they hurt the rat in the abyss? In 'The Abyss', James Cameron used a real rat submersed in breathing fluid.The...
Shot in native 3D, Ghosts of the Abyss looks positively wonderful on Blu-ray 3D, with striking imagery that pops right off the screen. Much like Cameron's Avatar, the film doesn't just rely on tired 3D gags and gimmicks, but rather the illusion of depth, which only adds luster to the...
Blu-ray Review: “Man is an abyss,” German dramatist Georg Büchner once wrote, “and I turn giddy when I look down into it.” Ingmar Bergman included this quotation, a line from Büchner’s playWoyzeck, at the opening of his 1977 screenplay forThe Serpent’s Egg, and it could just ...