the ability of doing something the ability to do sth都可以 Part-time,to develop communication,such as the ability of doing things.兼职时,可以培养交际、处事等方面的能力A writer's best tool is the ability to draw out a subject's secret and use it.一个作家最厉害的工具就是有揭开,事物间的秘...
解析 你好1)have the ability of doing 有这样的表达 如:He had the ability of independently thinking and solving problem. 2)to 更常见· 如:I have the ability to do this job我有能力完成这份工作.【俊狼猎英... 结果一 题目 have the ability of doing这种表达有没有 答案 你好1)have the ...
the ability for sth和the ability to do sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 1.the ability for sth:某物的能力 2.the ability to do sth:做某事的能力 二、用法不同 1.the ability for sth:基本意思是泛指做各种事情的“能力”。可以指体力方面的,也可以指智力...
“Be able to do sth”则更侧重于描述个体在特定时刻或情境下能够完成某事的实际能力。 “Have the capacity to do sth”则更多地指个体在潜在能力或容量上的大小,可能包含更广泛的能力范畴。 相比之下,“the ability of doing sth”通过动名词的形式,将动作或行为抽象化...
你写出的是两个词组。the ability for sth.和the ability in doing sth.这两个词组都是"做某事的能力",所在的区别是ability后的介词不同。
你好 1)have the ability of doing 有这样的表达 如:He had the ability of independently thinking and solving problem.2)to 更常见·如:I have the ability to do this job我有能力完成这份工作。【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问 ...
这是ability的用法,只需记住ability只能接to do 不能接of doing就行了 你的这个问题体现出了中国学生学习英语的一大弊病,就是太注重语法了,记住:语言不是科学,他虽然有一定的逻辑性,但不能全篇用逻辑的思维学习他,语言大部分还是要死记硬背的,语法只是帮助你记忆。给你举个例子:小学学语文时...
I have the ability to do that=iam able to do that =i am capable of doing that=i have the capability in/of doing that这些都是 单词的 固定用法 所以 不能写成I have the ability of doing that... 分析总结。 ihavetheabilitytodothatiamabletodothatiamcapableofdoingthatihavethecapabilityinofdoing...