AF-TX is the abbreviation of Audio Frequency Transmitter.( ) A、 对 B、 错查看答案 微信小程序答题 下载APP答题 由4l***63提供 分享 举报 纠错 相关题库推荐通信专业业务 2024-12-31 共1728道 通信专业业务 2020-04-18 共1728道 相关试题 单选题 以下说法不正确的是:( ) A、A、甚高频地空通...
abbreviation • 🟢 abbr absolute • 🟢 abs acronym • 🟢 acro action • 🔴 act active • 🔴 act actual • 🔴 act addition • 🟢 sum address • 🟢 addr algorithm • 🟢 algo allocation • 🟡 alloc { memory } ...
The simple, quick answer–but not the only (or most romantic) one–is that Rx is an abbreviation for the Latin word “recipere” or “recipe,” which means “Take, thou.” In the days before manufactured drugs, apothecaries (who were also doctors) would write out a formula for medicatio...
Environmental movement Chai Jing 柴靜 (b. 1976) is one of contemporary China’s most recognizable media personalities. Her reputation as a daring investigative journalist was mainly established through her work at the state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV 中央電視台) from 2001 to 2014. T...
“thing”—in contrast to the semiotic sense where “object” means always the second of three terms under a triadic relation, whether or not the objectalsohas a subjective existence along with its objectivity, and “subject” means always an individual unit here-and-now part of the physical ...
Following the introduction of the ampere, the kelvin and the candela as the units for electric current, thermodynamic temperature and luminous intensity, respectively, the name Système International d'Unités, with the abbreviation SI, was given to the system in 1960. In 1971, the mole, the ...
The Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model, or the OSI model, was developed by the International Organization for Standardization, which uses the abbreviation of ISO. The OSI model is a layered model that describes how information moves from an application program running on one networked c...
We could consolidate on the current abbreviation 'CB' or add the different types... Circuits and hence cables are often named after the 'source' switchboard. However, the 'source' may become ambiguous if there are ring circuits or multiple sources in a design and the cable is a bus or ...
TESLA was originally named after Nikola Tesla, but later explained by the Communist regime as an abbreviation from TEchnika SLAboproudá, which means “low-voltage technology.” An interesting presentation about the history of pacemakers in the former Czechoslovakia is available here. Intermedics’ ...
Abbreviation used: ALOHA, North Pacific Subtropi- cal Gyre ALOHA station; ChS, China Sea; ETNPOMZ, Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone; GOC, Gulf of California; GOM, Gulf of Mexico; HTV, hydrothermal vent; MB, Monterey Bay; OMZ, Oxygen Minimum Zone; SOT, Southern Okinawa ...