FSH stands for follicle-stimulating hormone. On page 138, Thorne notices the footprints of someone wearing Asolo boots. Asolo is a boot company in Italy. Some Evian bottles are also found in an abandoned InGen building; Evian is a French brand of mineral water. On page 141, Thorne mentions...
Thus, E2 abbreviation used is for all sex steroid estrogens throughout the text, including those circulating in lesser amount or/and active metabolites. 3.2. E2 functional aspects and gender differences E2 is commonly known as a hormone secreted by the ovaries throughout the reproductive span of ...
The SAR HandbookSAR雷达手册详解.pdf,THE SAR HANDBOOK Comprehensive Methodologies for Forest Monitoring and Biomass Estimation First edition. Published electronically April 2019. DOI: 10.25966/nr2c-s697 This publication may be reproduced in whole or in pa
EPS stands for earnings per share in Turkish Liras; CGR stands for the corporate governance index score assigned by the rater; ROE is return on equity measured as percentage points; ROA is return on assets measured as percentage points; FL stands for financial leverage calculated as the ratio ...
Energies 2020, 13, 1118 16 of 18 Abbreviations Abbreviation AWHP BWHP DHW EH HP IC MFH SFH SPF SSL TES Description Air-water heat pump Brine-water heat pump Domestic hot water Electric heater Heat pump Internal control Multi-family house Single-family house Seasonal performance factor Self-...
• RPL: It is an abbreviation of routing protocols for low power and noisy network (RPL). It was established to assist the creation of a robust topology across lossy lines to provide minimal routing needs [99]. The point-to-multipoint, multipoint-to-point, and point-to-point traffic ...