学校简介 国王学校一直被认为是英格兰最古老的学校,也是欧洲最具声誉的学校之一。它坐落在坎特伯雷大教堂(Canterbury Cathedral)区域和圣奥斯丁修道院(St Augustines Abbey),被联合国教科文组织评为世界文化遗产。每年会有超过100万来自不同文化...
Dartford Grammar School 1972~1979 三里屯校区 校长(在任): John Brett 工作经历: British School of Beijing, Sanlitun Principal 2018.7~至今 Coffee Bean Education Ltd CEO 2017.8~至今 The Abbey School, Woodbridge Head 2015.9~2017.8 Old Buckenham Hall Headmaster 2010.9~2015.1 地点:Brettenham, Suffolk, UK...
Will le Fleming, Headmaster of The Abbey School, ReadingWill le FlemingWhen you have been offering both A Levels and IB for 15 years, as we have at The Abbey, there is one form of expertise you are sure to gain: why some students choose not to do the IB. It’s a terrible idea....
庞弗雷特中学 Pomfret School CT-康涅狄格州 #49A 玛黛拉女子中学 The Madeira School VA-弗吉尼亚州 #50A 泰博学院 Tabor Academy MA-马萨诸塞州 #51A 普林斯顿国际数理学校 Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science NJ-新泽西州 #52A 普林斯顿胡恩中学 The Hun School of Princeton NJ-新泽西州 #...
Abbey School,The Putney School,St.George's School,St.Johnsbury Academy,St.Mark's School,St.Paul's School,Suffield Academy,Tabor Academy,Tilton School,The Taft School,Vermont Academy,Walnut Hill School,Westminster School,Westtown School,Wilbraham&Monson Academy,The Williston Northampton School,The ...
The Abbey of St. Mary, Malling, Kentdoi:10.1080/00665983.1931.10853571FairweatherF. H.Archaeological Journal
位于Kent的Canterbury,距离希斯罗机场1小50分钟车程。 学校坐落在Canterbury Cathedral区域和St. Augustine Abbey之间,它既是世界遗产之一,也是Canterbury Cathedral建筑的一部分。 1541年的皇家宪章共授予学校50名国王学者,一名校长和副校长,最近的宪章于1992年承认该校为男女混合学校。
“Abbey Grange, Marsham, Kent, “3.30 a.m. “My dear Mr. Holmes: “I should be very glad of your immediate10 assistance in what promises to be a most remarkable11 case. It is something quite in your line. Except for releasing the lady I will see that everything is kept exactly as...
Miss Porter's School New Hampton School Northampton High School Northfield Mount Hermon School Peddie School Phillips Academy, Andover Phillips Exeter Academy Pomfret School Portsmouth Abbey School Proctor Academy The Putney School Shattuck-St. Mary’s School Smith Academy Squaw Valley School St. George...
The Abbey The Downs Bristol The Downs Malvern The Grammar School at Leeds The Grange The Mount, York The New Beacon The Oratory The Oratory Prep The Peterborough School The Queen's, Chester The Royal School, Haslemere Thetford Grammar Thornton College Tormead Town Close Tranby Tudor Hall Warminste...