[196] The album cover features the Freddie Mercury statue that overlooks Lake Geneva superimposed with Mercury's Duck House lake cabin that he had rented. This is where he had written and recorded his last songs at Mountain Studios. [196] The sleeve of the album contains the words, "Dedicat...
IPCC.Climate Change 2021 Synthesis Report; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Geneva, Switzerland, 2021. [Google Scholar] Ministério do Meio Ambiente—Brazil.Plano Nacional de Adaptação à Mudança do Clima—Estratégia Geral; Ministério do Meio Ambiente—Brazil: Brasília, Brazil, 2016...
and Joekes for her assistance in quality assurance of the sonographic images; Jutta Reinhard-Rupp and Merck plc for donation of the portable ultrasound unit; Messrs Pilirani Mkambeni, Patrick Hussein, Mkonazi Nkhoma and Matthews Elias for technical assistance; and all the fishermen who participated...