Every year, nurses still carry lighted lamps into Westminster Abbey in London, to mark the passing of the lady with the lamp. 每年,护士们都会带着点亮的灯进入伦敦的威斯敏斯特大教堂,以纪念提灯女士的逝去。 It's a touching ritual. 这是一个感人的仪式。 It's poignant. 令人伤感。 It's also ...
Being known on her own authority as Miss Abbey Potterson, some water-side heads, which (like the water) were none of the clearest, harboured muddled notions that, because of her dignity and firmness, she was named after, or in some sort related to, the Abbey at Westminster. 'Now, you...
Medical Legal Acronyms Idioms Wikipedia Related to abbreviate:dictionary abbreviate to shorten by contraction or omission, such as agcy., corp., Gov., Dr., Rev. Not to be confused with: abridge– to reduce or condense, such as a summary of a report or article:abridge a book;to lessen ...
Trappist, KY: Gethsemani Abbey, 1987. Google Scholar Walsh, K. EM neues Bild der Frau im Mittelalter? Weibliche Biologie und Sexualität, Geistlichkeit und Religiosität in West-und Mitteleuropa. Innsbrucker Historische Studien 12/13 (1990): 395–580. Google Scholar Warner, M. Joan of...
abbey- a convent ruled by an abbess cubicle,cell- small room in which a monk or nun lives nunnery- the convent of a community of nuns cloister,religious residence- residence that is a place of religious seclusion (such as a monastery) ...
Being known on her own authority as Miss Abbey Potterson, some water-side heads, which (like the water) were none of the clearest, harboured muddled notions that, because of her dignity and firmness, she was named after, or in some sort related to, the Abbey at Westminster. 'Now, you...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia su·per·vi·sion (so͞o′pər-vĭzh′ən) n. The act, process, or function of supervising. See Synonyms atcare. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia dis·so·lu·tion (dĭs′ə-lo͞o′shən) n. 1.Decomposition into fragments or parts; disintegration. 2.Indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery. ...
Usage Note:The wordschism,originally spelledscisme, cisme,andsismein English, was formerly pronounced (sĭz′əm), without a (k) sound, as if it were etymologically related toscissors.(It isn't, or at least not in any straightforward way; see the Word History below.) The modern spelli...
2.ReformationA 16th-century movement in Western Europe that aimed at reforming some doctrines and practices of the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the establishment of the Protestant churches. ref′or·ma′tion·aladj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Co...