摘自:NDP1(2020)Naval Warfare(63/88)The Nine Principles of War 美军:战争九项原则(The Nine Principles of War) ◆目标(Objective) ◆集中(Mass) ◆机动(Maneuver) ◆进攻(Offensive) ◆经济用兵(Economy of Force) ◆统一指挥(Unity of Command) ◆简单(Simplicity) ◆出奇不意(Surprise) ◆安全(Security...
- 有些权威明确表示,战争没有principles; - 其他人在提出兵法art of war时,甚至不了解其含义,随意使用这个词;- 还有一些人,可能被归类为受过教育的士兵,已经做出了各种尝试来建立一般推理的principles,据我所知,没有太多的科学证据。 The necessity and utility of principles is hinted at by Clausewitz when he...
That’s why it is my aim that every founder, everywhere, can use the 9 leadership principles of The Wartime CEO to become even stronger leaders. In good times and in bad. Without going through actual war to learn it. Use these approaches every day, and make sure tokeepusing them in th...
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【预订】The Principles of War (1903) 9781164073352》。最新《【预订】The Principles of War (1903) 9781164073352》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《【预订】The Principles of War (1903) 97811
The Principles of Wardoi:10.1080/03071843009422644de WattevilleH.Royal United Services Institution JournalF. Foch . 1918. "The principles of war", .
Journal of Strategic StudiesLanir, Z. 1993. "The `Principles of War' and Military Thinking". Journal of Strategic Studies, 16(1), 1-17.Lanir, Z. (1993). The `Principles of War' and Military Thinking. The Journal of Strategic Studies, vol. 16 (1), 1 - 17. London: Frank Cass....
The US should stop viewing this relationship through a Cold War, zero-sum mindset, follow the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, and reflect in its action the five assurances it has made to China (i.e. the...
In particular, and in great contrast to the later work, "Principles of War" is not notably sophisticated in historical terms. It is based almost entirely on the experience of Frederick the Great and the wars with revolutionary France and Napoleon prior to 1812....
他们所坚持的刑事正当程序的基本原则(The basic principles of criminal due process)[]不应该在任何时候被轻易地放弃,特别是在恐慌的时刻。它不仅是过往几个世纪以来与专制性权力斗争的产物[]而且在先前的危机时刻已经证明了自己应对挑战的能力。因此,阿克曼并非像对待战争言论那般完全的否定/抛弃使用传统打击犯罪的...
寝殿内有参考书与图片书,另有些书显示他在研究英国军事方法,包括英国伍利奇(Woolwich)皇家军事学院的《防御工事构筑原则》(The Principles of Forti-cation)。还有上海外国传教土的中文著作,以及必不可少的《圣经》和福音小册。那些外国传教士将科学数据译成中文,冀望借此让中国人相信他们的宗教已支配自然界。然后...