Hearing loss partialDeafnessHearing loss noise-inducedHearing loss sensorineuralWounds and injuriesBarotraumaHereditary diseasesGenetic counsellingInfectionSummarydoi:10.3109/03790798309166870S. D. G. StephensS C BellmanTaylor & FrancisInternational Rehabilitation Medicine...
Two leading causes of hearing loss in infants and young children have been bacterial meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae Type b (Hib) and congenital toxoplasmosis. In this two-part review, we describe the essential nature and incidence of these two diseases and how the availability of a Hib...
Following a review by the National Academies Institute of Medicine of the NIOSH Hearing Loss Research program, a comprehensive strategic plan was developed for the Hearing Loss Prevention cross-sector. Six strategic goals were identified: 1) improved surveillance of occupational hearing loss data; 2)...
Below are some steps from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help protect yourself and others.1and always follow the directions of CDC. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public place, or2. If soap and wate...
Want to know more about hearing loss? We answer frequently asked questions about hearing loss, hearing aids, protection, and prevention.
Estimated odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals of the association between cardiovascular risk classification and hearing impairment, among individuals with no history of hearing aid use eTable 8. Associations between hearing impairment, cardiovascular risk classification and cognitive function, among indiv...
Our analysis proceeded in two steps. First, we ran a PheWAS of the Alzheimer’s disease PRS and all available variables in the UK Biobank, stratifying the sample by age. Second, we followed up all variables associated with the PRS in a bidirectional MR analysis. We outline the research ques...
e, Fabrication process of the sensors showing three main procedural steps: printing of sensors, bonding with electronics and assembly to earphones (details can be found in Extended Data Fig. 2). f, In-ear sweat mapping for electrochemical sensing using an Ecoflex earpiece with distributed filter ...
The inner ear, or cochlea, is a fluid-filled organ housing the mechanosensitive hair cells. Sound stimulation is relayed to the hair cells through waves that propagate on the elastic basilar membrane. Sensorineural hearing loss occurs from damage to the
These are baby steps, to be sure, as Catton’s tentative conclusions suggest. But they are worth lighting a candle (if not 110)—in cautious celebration of and as steadfast encouragement for much greater, collaborative-driven change in the years ahead. Char Miller is the W.M. Keck Professor...