32 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语常用基础词汇-Everyday vocabulary to show appreciation in French 15:36 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】法语播客-Ep08 - À la recherche du temps perdu 18:58 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】克服法语开口恐惧-正片9:40起-No more feeling nervous - Overcome your fear 16:...
Jacobson (1995) grants that Langton’s “explication of the silencing argument succeeds in making MacKinnon's claim both literal and coherent,” but objects that it does so only “at the cost of defensibility” (67). According to Jacobson, Langton confuses illocutionary disablement with perlocuti...
Theologically the name of Yahweh resonates with covenant, partly because in the explication of the name in Exodus 6:6-8 the covenant formula is invoked ("I will be your God and you will be my people"). The name yhwh is a name to which Israel can lay particular claim. In covenant, ...
So in about 8 years time (probably about what I have left on this planet) this “hobby” (few people would call it such, but hey, it’s my free time, I’ll do what I like), my retirement hobby has substantially drifted. Now as a child, my parents stopped buying me recreational ...
In almost all of Milton Friedman’s theorizing about expectations, for example, his assumption was that expectations are adaptive, Even in his famous explication of the natural-rate hypothesis, Friedman (1968:“The Role of Monetary Policy”) assumed that expectations are adaptive to prior experience...
Here’s an explication: we unconsciously smile at good news, and so if we’re in a bad mood and consciously smile, we may improve our mood. We unconsciously keep our bodies open in comfortable situations, and so if we’re in an uncomfortable situation and consciously attempt to open up ...
the heart and substance of the primitive oralkerygma, or "proclamation" of the faith by the apostles and their successors. Everything else in the Gospel text came later, composed to show how everything in Jesus' life and teaching eventually had to lead to his atoning death out of love. ...
The combined result of these three Parts is the most comprehensive explication and defense of Bruen’s methodology to date, a defense that is unique in a literature dominated by criticisms of Bruen. It is a defense that requires confronting some of the most vexing problems in constitutional law...
On the basis of that explication, I’ll put forward what I take to be the best possible case for an experimentalist challenge to the method of cases. Along the way, I’ll show how my version of the challenge can satisfactorily deal with the criticisms aimed at Machery’s. Here is the...
Not only does Kepler offer the first explication of the real image formed on the retinal screen, but he also interposes an “opaque wall” between the eye and a perceiver in a way not previously in place in earlier theories of the crystalline humor. Whereas before the images received or ...