The 8 Show(2024– ) TV-MA TV Series|60 min|Comedy, Drama, Horror Edit pageAdd to list Track Eight contestants in financial hardship take part in Money Game, a reality competition with 44.8 billion won up for grabs. To win they must endure 100 days in a sparse studio as all purchases...
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The 8 Show(2024– ) TV-MA TV Series|60 min|Comedy, Drama, Horror Edit pageAdd to list Track Eight contestants in financial hardship take part in Money Game, a reality competition with 44.8 billion won up for grabs. To win they must endure 100 days in a sparse studio as all purchases...
FB@JTBCDRAMA 出道20年的千玗嬉,先前多在電影界耕耘,至今只演過《現在還想結婚的女人》、《吸血鬼偶像》、《Argon》、《浪漫的體質》、《有益的欺詐》、《雖然不是英雄》和《The 8 Show》共7部電視劇。而千玗嬉也憑藉近期Netflix兩部韓劇《雖然不是英雄》及《The 8 Show》,打開全球市場,讓世界各地的劇迷...
近期除了《背著善宰跑》男主角邊佑錫備受熱議外,千玗嬉可說是另一位討論度極高的韓國演員,畢竟她主演韓劇《雖然不是英雄》和《The 8 Show》都正在Netflix熱播中!尤其千玗嬉分別在兩部劇中的人物風格引起眾人注意,前者是善良卻在詐騙的女子「都多海」,而後者則是作風大膽邪魅的藝術家「世拉」,如此迥異的人設,...
《HIT THE STAGE》为一档由韩流明星与职业舞者组成一队,与其他队伍展开舞蹈对决的节目,于7月27日起于每周三晚11时在Mnet及tvN同步播出。每期节目都规定不同的主题并邀请不同的明星,而明星们与街舞、体育舞蹈、现代舞等不同领域的职业舞者们组成不同的队伍展示各自的舞台,并根据评审团的投票来决定排名。Mnet方面...
It's not the first time in recent years that a hit show has helped turn itslocationinto a popular tourism destination. In January 2023, the TV dramaMeet Yourself, starring Liu Yifei and Li Xian, made Dali in the southwestern province of Yunnan a trendy tourism destination. ...
The costumes are sumptuous, the drama juicy, and the romance slow-burning. It checks all the boxes while still making space for a thread of sadness that lends gravitas and complexity to the entire Bridgerton world. An ambitious and beautiful show that fully earns its shining crown as Netflix...