under the name (of)… 用…名字;以…假名 using a name that may not be your real name answer to the name of sth especially of a pet animal 尤指宠物名叫;叫做 to be called sth a big noise/shot/name 大人物;要人 an important person call sb names 辱骂;谩骂 to use insulting words about...
With the body of a lion, the tail of a scorpion or dragon, the head of a human, and three rows of sharp teeth, the legendary manticore bears several similarities to the Egyptian sphinx. A mythical creature of Persian origin whose name derives from the Persian word for "man-eater," the...
To go through real-name authentication or register as a SpringPass member, we need your name, gender, country/region, ID type, ID number, ID validity period, date of birth, and mobile phone number that is consistent with your identity and can be used to contact you. • If you browse...
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lroreal lrpcsfpdivzero lrrlagged reserve req lrs laser ranging sys lrsun lrt display ab lru gps lru lined up to the r lrygb lrgettransinstancedur ls loudspeaker system ls grain ls learning system ls n dating love dati lsrr lsaac stern lsam lsb last-stage blade lsb-least significant lsca ...
8. Theappispre-installedandsitsatthebottomof the Fire'smainscreen(userscangetrid ofitiftheywant). 这个应用程序是预先安装的并且就安置在Fire的主屏幕的底端(用户如果不想要也可以把它删了)。 article.yeeyan.org 9. Theapp,whichcosts99cents,appliesalivefilterover thecamera,allowingyoutoseewhat yougetbe...
{{item.evaluateOrder.productName}} -{{dataList.symbol}}{{item.evaluateOrder.tradeInDiscount}} {{showAllFlag ? dataCart.txtCollapseAll : dataCart.txtViewAll}} ({{ outOfStorck }}) Total {{dataList.symbol}}{{dataList.subtotalPrice}} You are {{dataList.symbol}}{{dataList.freeLimit}}...
The firm iron of mind develops the real strength. 力量并不是体力的代名词,真正的力量是坚韧不拔的钢铁意志产生的。 bbs.readnovel.com8. Once the synonym file is extended, a binary dictionary needs to be built from it. 扩展了同义词文件之后,需要从中构建一个二进制词典。 www.ibm.com9...
Prefer to use a real type assertion, e.g. getMeAT() as number. Example where a type parameter is acceptable: function id<T>(value: T): T;. Example where it is not acceptable: function parseJson<T>(json: string): T;. Exception: new Map<string, number>() is OK. Using the types...