Of the 143994 characters on Anime Characters Database, 15 are from the 动画 The 8th Son? Are You Kidding Me?.
Chapter 4. Speech Recognition—and Siri Before you make up your mind about Siri, the iPhone’s famous speech-recognition feature, just keep one thing in mind: Siri is not one but two … - Selection from iPhone: The Missing Manual, 7th Edition [Book]
Well,atleastyoubelieveme,Flanders. 对但我也相信存在一个谁也看不到的圣灵 Yes,butIalsobelieveinaHolyGhostnoonecansee. 以圣父圣子和诡异的另一位之名 InthenameoftheFatherandtheSonandthespookyplusone. 我两夜没合过眼了 Ihaventsleptfortwonights. ...
-- Son of Suns (talk) Ciao[edit]So you leve, as a duck would during the winter. a preety lame Dimento phrase, but... I really only liked bleck and dimento and mr L, just to lazy to type that. If you ever get around to reading this, you dont have to respond, just saying a...
LisaSimpson.Itson.Nerdoynerdo. 应该说书呆子对书呆子 Itsnerdoanerdo. 只有书呆子才说得出这话 Onlyanerdowouldknowthat. 应该是女书呆子而且确实开战了 Anerda!Anditison. 你为什么停了 Whydyoustop? 我刚意识到这类课外活动 Ijustrealizedthisextracurricularactivity ...
We are tight! I have a strong bond with both. They have never moved out for college or other. My son is getting married in 2 weeks and my heart aches so much it physically hurts. I’ve heard it all from people that just don’t get it. From “cut the strings, you should be ...
强尼生前很以你为荣 You were very special to him. 但在他的心目中你非常的特别 Im sure you were too. 我想你也是 Johnny told me if I ever needed anything 强尼曾说过 要是我需要什么... I should always call his son. 随时可以打电hearts;话hearts;给他儿子 What do you need? 你需要什么?
There isn’t an official motive for the adventure, we are complex beings. But I do know that there can be an irrational urge to drop everything and vanish for a few months, it happened to me last year! Whatever the urge is I just want to reassure you that you can do it. You ...
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