magick works through both directions of time, and the effects are cumulative. When making direct contact, this is the approach that has worked the best – and although there are many theoretical reasons, this is based largely on experience. Also...
[书籍简介、目录翻译、Q&A] Demons of Magick Three Practical Rituals For Working With The 72 Demons by Gordon Winterfield 《72恶魔实践仪式》作者:戈登·温特菲尔德 本文分为以下三个部分,自制翻译: …
Comments are no longer open. Please enjoy the answers that we have already – just about everything you could want to know is here. If you need to know why, please seeThe Answers of Magick.
The Goetia of the Lesser Key of Solomon is a grimoire which is closely based on astrology. Hence by relating the perceived problem to an astrological basis, one will be able to translate it more easily into the Goetia’s idiom, and that of ceremonial magick generally. ...
–The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King (pg 17) 72 Demons of the Goetia Modern Magick Demonology Sources» [Johann Wier|Collin de Plancy|Abramelin the Mage|The Goetia] lists of demonsfrom Johann Wier’sPseudomonarchia Daemonumand S.L MacGregor Mathers’The Goetia....
These parts of the world has also four angels that stand upon the four corners of heaven; they are Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel; four angels stand for the elements, namely, Seraph, Cherub, Tharsis, Ariel; four highly enlightened men full of the light of God.6 6. OP2.7. EE: "4...
And they shall have power over all the inhabitants of the earth, and every scourge of God shall be subdued beneath their feet. The angels shall come unto them and walk with them, and the great gods of heaven shall be their guests. But I must sit apart, with dust upon my head, dis...
CHRIS CORNELL, Black Magick & The Fallen Angels ByRandy “Rocket” Cody This report originally posted on May 28, 2018 (Part 1 of a 3-part report) “Most Satanic practitioners are on a life-long journey in pursuit of perfection in their practice of Satanic Black Magick. ...
CHRIS CORNELL, Black Magick & The Fallen Angels ByRandy “Rocket” Cody This report originally posted on May 30, 2018 (part 2 of a 3 part report) “In my eyes, indisposed In disguises no one knows Hides the face, lies the snake ...