We cannot rely on our native tongue if our spouse does not understand it. If we want him/her to feel the love we are trying to communicate, we must express it in his or her primary love language."在超市购物,背景音乐是一个哀怨的男声在那里唱着“我感动天,感动地,怎么感动不了你……” ...
His own life experiences, plus over forty years of pastoring and marriage counseling, led him to publish his first book in the Love Language series, The 5 Love Languages®: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate. Millions... (展开全部) 原文摘录 ··· ( 全部 ) 人们说着不...
Because physical touch is a powerful communicator of love. In a time of crisis, more than anything, we need to feel loved. We cannot always change events, but we can survive if we feel loved. If all goes well and their emotional needs are met, children develop into responsible adults; b...
I heard about this book from a friend about a year ago. They asked me what my love language was and I didn’t know. I appear out of touch not having read a book that sold 10 million copies and just celebrated its 25 year anniversary. I posted a couple shorter reviews on Instagram ...
The 5 Love Languages Review The 5 Love Languagesisessentialfor anyone who is in a serious relationship or ever plans to be in one. It will help couples understand each other better by teaching them how to find what their love language is. By explaining the love languages, it serves as a...
加里·查普曼博士(Gary Chapman)在30多年的男女关系研究中发现,人们感受爱和表达爱的方式大概有5种,统称为爱5种语言的: 1) 肯定言语 (Words of Affirmation):通过口头感情,赞美或欣赏来表达感情。 2) 服务行为 (Acts of Service):通常是您可以做的一些小事情,以帮助缓解其他人的责任负担。比如给在TA被各种...
《The 5 Love Languages:The Secret to Love That Lasts》——《爱的五种语言:爱情持续的秘密》,正是黄博士提到的“爱的五种语言”的出处!真是“踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫”啊。 我一章章认真读下来,感到受益匪浅。 这本书于1992年第一次出版,以后多次再版,全球发行量超千万。作者是美国的Gary Chapma...
I don’t make this kind of wholehearted recommendation very often, but if there’s any book you need to read WITH your teenager, this is it!!! in case I didn’t make that clear enough, let me reiterate…..A Teen’s Guide to the 5 Love Languages holds the kind of information that...
为什么会出现这种情况呀?这就是我今天要介绍的这本 《The Five Love Languages 爱的五种语言》所要回答和解决的问题。作者Dr. Gary Chapman是美国著名的婚姻辅导专家。他认为,如同世界各地的人讲着不同的语言那样,人们也说着不同的爱的语言。每个人从小的成长经历,让他有一种主要的爱的语言,就像我们的母语。如...
What are the love languages of children? In 1997, Gary Chapman wrote a book with Ross Campbell, MD, about how the five love languages can apply to children as well.5In it, he describes methods of observing which love language your child may resonate with. There is also a quiz that a ...