The article presents a speech by Pieter Bolman, CEO, STM, Hague, the Netherlands, delivered on the occasion of his 65th birthday and 100th birthday of Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, the forerunner of Academic Press, on April 4, 2006. He discusses the significance of this day and the ...
drugaddictionandratesofmentalhealthdisorders,andsocio-economicfactors.Now,astudyled bytheYaleSchoolofMedicinehasattemptedto findouttherelativeimpactoftwofactorsmost oftenlinkedtolifeexpectancy—raceandeducation—bylookingatdataabout5,114blackand whiteparticipantsinfourU.S.cities. Thelivesanddeathsamongthisgroupof ...
July 4th is the independence day is one of the major American legal holidays. On July 4th, 1776, Jefferson drafted the declaration of independence in Philadelphia mainland meeting by the United States, solemnly declared independence from Britain. The declaration of independence was a grea...
Labor Day, an article that explains the history, the major facts, the meaning, the celebrations and quotes to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. Labor Day in New York and in the ...
May 4th Youth Day, known as "China Youth Day," is celebrated annually on May 4th. Its origins and significance trace back to the May Fourth Movement of 1919, a profoundly influential student and popular movement sparked by deep conc...
the nuclear element of the predicate group but by one of the elements subordinate to it, which usually appears in final position. In this case the central position does not carry communicative significance. Since the truncation of a sentence to a lone predicate (Deti stuchat, “The children ...
Insofar as the Fourth of July is the American Midsummer Day, full of warm weather conviviality, playful communal rituals, and the climactic glory of fireworks, it is a day of pleasure and joy. As a celebration of our founding ideals, however, it has always been fraught with the ironies of...
During summer holidays like the 4th of July, we celebrated at Scherer Park in Long Beach. Nicknamed “Parque Del Amo,” for its location off Del Amo, between Long Beach Boulevard and Atlantic Avenue, some families arrived as early as six am to claim one of the limited numbers of picnic ...
10 Common English Idioms: Their Meanings and Origins The Unsinkable Legend of the "Titanic": Details of the Disaster Common Idioms and Phrases: Meanings and Origins 10 Nail Houses & Holdouts: Weird Buildings That Won't Go Away
Not until I received an email from Geo, “When I saw it (the heart) again the other day, it just spoke to me of your father being in the Navy…,” did I see the rest of the significance. On this 4thof July, I shall not only celebrate Independence Day, but also honor my dad ...