Greek uses storge love to describe natural affection and loyalty in family relationships when expressing love among close family. This love exists between parents and children, siblings, and other family members, rooted in kinship bonds and shared experiences. Eros Love Finally, we have eros, which...
With a camera, that subjectivity was nullified; the camera recorded what it recorded (of course this doesn’t account for the fact that someone has to point the camera at something). What we’re given is an objective view, using Sontag’s words, “stenciled from the real.” While ...
(redirected fromGreek goddess of love) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Aph·ro·di·te (ăf′rə-dī′tē) n.Greek Mythology The goddess of love and beauty. Also calledCytherea. [GreekAphrodītē,of Phoenician origin; seeʕṯtrinSemitic roots.] ...
4. Greek Words for Love Greek famously has four main words for love: Έρωτας (Erotas) (Known as Έρως (Eros) in Ancient Greek) This refers only to romantic love or courtship. You’ll recognize it as the root of the English worderotic. ...
The two Greek words —“philo”, which means love and “Sophia”, which means wisdom, are the beginnings of the word we use today: Philosophy, the love of wisdom. Most people have a philosophy on life. Everybody has an idea of what is right and what is wrong, and why things are ...
The Greek language reflects the complex nature of love much better than does English. The Greeks had multiple words for love. Authentic human love includes all of these dimensions.
1. Eros (Passionate/Intimate Love) Eros, when translated, means sexual, or romantic love. The Greek worderotasmeans ‘intimate love’. You can see where we derive the modern-day term ‘erotic’. In modern society, this is the sexual or intimate passion you feel for a lover. The alluring...
In Greek myth, it is a form of madness brought about by one of Cupid’s arrows. The arrow breaches us and we "fall" in love, as did Paris with Helen, leading to the downfall of Troy and much of the assembled Greek army. In modern times, eros has been amalgamated with the broader...
6. Philautia, or love of the self The Greek’s sixth variety of love wasphilautiaor self-love. And the clever Greeks realized there were two types. One was an unhealthy variety associated with narcissism, where you became self-obsessed and focused on personal fame and fortune. A healthier...
Love is not just a shallow word, for the things that it is used for in the modern world. Shakespeare showed many different types of love in his many plays, in Romeo and Juliet he used the examples of the four Greek words for love. This showed that there is more to love than just ...