2.OmniscientGod. Used withthe. [Medieval Latinomnisciēns, omniscient-: Latinomni-,omni-+ Latinsciēns, scient-, present participle ofscīre,to know; seeskei-inIndo-European roots.] om·nis′cience,om·nis′cien·cyn. om·nis′cient·lyadv. ...
3; OTh I, 421: 1–8. Google Scholar “ omnis delectatio et tristitia causatur in voluntate mediante volitione vel nolitione...Sed volitio et nolitio est duplex: quaedam absoluta, quaedam condicionata. Absoluta est illa qua simpliciter volo aliquid sine omni condicione; condicionata ...
3.GrammarA word or phrase syntactically subordinate to another word or phrase that it modifies; for example,my sister'sandbrowninmy sister's brown dog. [Latinattribuere, attribūt-:ad-,ad-+tribuere,to allot; seetribute.] at·trib′ut·a·bleadj. ...
3 Change History 4 Navigation Achievement List[] There are 759 Achievements in Wonders of the World: Achievement Description Requirements Hidden?TypeVersion Tales of Monstrous Madness Collect the entire "Toki Alley Tales" series. No Exploration 2.1 5 Zoo Tycoon Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net item...
3 Lord Aristocratic or noble title. The Lord of the manor has many responsibilities. 4 God In monotheistic thought, God is conceived of as the supreme being, creator, and principal object of faith. God is usually conceived of as being omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and omnibenevolent as ...
Omnigul returns and the Vanguard tasks the Guardian to go and eliminate her once and for all. Brokering an alliance with Taniks' crew the Splicers resurrect Taniks the Scarred using SIVA, augmenting him into Taniks Perfected. Shortly after, a team of Guardians eliminate him. The Vex fin...
t our song t out of my mindmy he t outzomniak t oy oy eminem t paint it black t pamukkale t panic t panik t paradise homenagem t parenthesis paralle t patpeggy t peace sells t peh ÖhÖ ÖhÖ t pembe elbise t peopleshit t peregrin tuk t pett t petto o coscia bres t ...
terminal sterilizatio terminal transformer terminal vhf omnidire terminalmodem interfa terminalandcross-over terminalcommunication terminalia argyrophyl terminalia l terminalis catappa l terminalpatient terminals service terminals terminals terminaltestbay terminaltrunk terminate process terminate the employm terminat...
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Omni Laser[KH Re:CoM] (全方位レーザー Zenhōi Rēzā?, lit. "Omnidirectional Laser") Used when Marluxia's HP is less than 50% of maximum. Surrounds Sora with 16 bits from the outer ring of the arena that simultaneously shoot a ray of light. The ray is fired for 6 seconds, and hi...