The Philippine economy was more resilient than expected in 2023—current projections indicate that it could again achieve healthy growth in 2024.
(TB) is a chronic communicable disease that comes second only to COVID-19 as a leading cause of mortality from a single infectious organism. According to the Global TB Report 2022, the disease accounted for 1.6 million deaths in 2021. In a preliminary report from the Philippine Statistics ...
Smart farming is transforming Philippine agriculture. Since agriculture provides a great source of income for Filipinos, crop production is made easier and more efficient for agriculture workers and farmers by using IoT to help them collect real-time data on crop production, climate/weather, and air...
Expert in business development and development practices in the Philippine marketbusiness-development ai-assistant market-analysis strategic-planning customer-acquisitionDirty Talk Learning AssistantBy @cokice on 2024-04-10I only know how to curse, nothing else.answer dirty talk...
Expert in business development and development practices in the Philippine marketbusiness-development ai-assistant market-analysis strategic-planning customer-acquisitionDesign Philosophy AnalysisBy @YuJiaoChiu on 2024-04-09Helps you identify and analyze architectural design philosophies...
Pressie P. EclarinChair, 2023 POGS Committee on Nationwide Statistics, Las Piñas, PhilippinesIna S. IrabonPerpetual Help Medical Center, Las Piñas, PhilippinesMaria Antonia E. HabanaUniversity of the Philippines Manila, Philippine General Hospital, Manila, PhilippinesAntoinette U. Aonuevo...
Philippines Philippine Tobacco Institute supports tax increase bill ... Chile Decree approved to implement law equating e-cigs to tobacco products ... Canada Temporary suspension on flavour ban proposal announced ... Ukraine Petition registered calling on president to sign tax bill ... Idaho ...
The Philippine government has described the state of the education system, including graduate education, as both "miseducation" and a "faile
As is generally known, leprosy is diffusely scattered throughout the entire Philippine archipelago, not being much more abundant in any one locality than in another. The actual number of cases is variously estimated at from 5,000 to 10,000. Whether the disease is increasing or decreasing at ...
I was born, raised and educated in PI (that's the old school name of The Philippine Islands, now known as simply The Philippines). My folks and I migrated to the United States when I was only 14 and continued my high school education in NYC. In my junior year, my father suggested ...