Jesus, in the Gospels, laid down the great foundational principles and laws to govern the children of God during the entire church age – "even unto the end of the world," as we see from His great commission as recorded in Matt; 28:18-20. Our great duty and privilege is to do as ...
Janet Holm McHenry: We find one of the most interesting and challenging of Jesus’ prayers after he has entered Jerusalem for the last time. As he rode into town on a donkey, a great crowd that had come for the Passover feast greeted him with palm branches and cries of “Hosanna!” (...
23. Jesus confutes the Sadducees for the resurrection;34. answers which is the first and great commandment;41. and puzzles the Pharisees by a question about the Messiah.Berean Study BibleJesus declaredThe phrase begins with the authority of Jesus, the central figure of the New Testament. ...
Unlike the other commandments that form the second table of the Decalogue, the commandment not to steal is not paid special attention by Jesus. Nevertheless, analysis of the earliest materials from the Jesus tradition, attributed to Jesus himself, shows that this commandment, as the fifth ("you...
Testing Jesus: The Greatest Commandment Series Mark Bookmark Promote Download Share Speaker Lowell Ivey Follow Broadcaster Reformation Presbyterian Church Follow Sermon Activity 18 Christ's teaching about the Law drives us to the Good News of salvation in Him. The Scribes' Question2.Jesus' ...
The Bible Ten Commandments are slowly being erroded away in society today, and even many professing Christians believe that Christ Jesus abolished the Ten Commandments at the cross. Many say that the it wasn't just the ceremonial laws which were nailed to the cross, but the moral law containe...
When Yeshua was asked which commandment was the greatest in the Law, He said that the first was to love God with all our heart, soul and mind. The second, He said, was like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. He was reiterating two core commandments of Judaism on which the Law hang...
The Great Commandment 34But when the Pharisees heard that he had silencedthe Sadducees, they gathered together.35And one of them,a lawyer, asked him a questionto test him.36“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”37And he said to him,“You shall love the Lord your God ...
In the book of Matthew Jesus summed up every one ofthe Ten Commandments. Matthew 22:37-40 “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unt...
Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?Berean Literal BibleAnd answering He said to them, "Why also do you break the commandment of God on account of your tradition?King James BibleBut he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also ...