Is the Bible of Judah cronies and children of one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ. New road Jesus spread despite the support of the people, has aroused hatred of Jewish elders Division offering. 30 silver coins for their buying in the Jews, asked him to help identify him. When Mani...
Jesus' had 12 Disciples who were his closest followers The 12 disciples were Jesus' closest followers and primary teachers of the Jewish-Christian gospel. James Tabor James D. Tabor (born 1946) Professor in the Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina, Charlotte USA The ...
st. matthias matthias was one of the seventy disciples of jesus, and had been with him from his baptism by john to the ascension (acts i, 21, 22). it is related (acts, i, 15-26) that in the days following the ascension, peter proposed to the assembled brethren, who numbered one ...
Jesus and his disciples before victims had a dinner. Participated in the first 13 individuals for dinner of the disciples Jesus is Jewish. This is the Judah in order to 30 Silver Dollar, the Jewish authorities to sell Jesus Christ, with the result that tormented. Participating in the final ...
Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath - At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads
Saint John The Baptist Preaching In The Wilderness by Anton Raphael,1758–1771 根据新约记载,约翰预料一个比自己更伟大的弥赛亚形象即将诞生,并将耶稣的来临宣布给大家,所以基督徒通常称约翰为“耶稣的先行者(precursor or forerunner of Jesus)”。同时,约翰也被认为是“先知以利亚的精神继承者(spiritual successo...
With his cousin, John the Baptist, he came onto the scene and began to preach that the Kingdom of God was at hand. The Reign of God had come to first century Palestine in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.What is this Kingdom of God? Why is it Good News? Why does it demand so ...
Saint John the Apostle, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus and traditionally believed to be the author of the three Letters of John, the Fourth Gospel, and possibly the Revelation to John in the New Testament. He played a leading role in the early churc
St. James was one of the Twelve Apostles, distinguished as being in Jesus’ innermost circle and being the only apostle whose martyrdom is recorded in the New Testament. He witnessed the raising of Jairus’s daughter from the dead, the Transfiguration, a
21Having said thesethings, Jesus was troubledin Hisspirit. And He testified and said “Truly, truly, I saytoyou that one of you will hand Me over”.22The disciples were looking at one another, being perplexed about whom He was speaking.23One of His disciples was reclining-back at the ...