【例句1】 I studied a chapter of the book. (我研究了这本书的一章。)【例句2?】 I studied the chapter of the book.【例句3?】 I studied a title of the book. 【例句4】 I studied the title of the book. (我研究了这本书的书名。)【例句1】很顺溜。一本书的常态是有多章组成,a c...
* of the book 是物品(the book)的所有格,所有格(of the book)用来修饰名词(the title)所以, of the book 是在修饰 title@@@being(... tw.knowledge.yahoo.com|基于 1 个网页 1. Halfthequestionswerefrompartsofthebookhetoldustoreadbuthenevercovered theminclass. ...
总而言之,"People of the Book"是一个在伊斯兰教中用来指代尊重《旧约圣经》和《新约圣经》的犹太教徒和基督教徒的术语。它强调了宗教间的联系和相互尊重,为跨宗教对话和合作创造了基础。 "People of the Book" is a term used...
总而言之,"People of the Book"是一个在伊斯兰教中用来指代尊重《旧约圣经》和《新约圣经》的犹太教徒和基督教徒的术语。它强调了宗教间的联系和相互尊重,为跨宗教对话和合作创造了基础。 "People of the Book" is a term used to refer to the adherents of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam who respect ...
西晋杜预在《春秋经传集解序》中说:“大事书之于策,小事简牍而已。”这种用竹木做书写材料的“简策”(或“简牍),在纸发明以前,是中国书籍的主要形式。将竹木削制成狭长的竹片或木片,统称为简,稍宽长方形木片叫“ 方”。若干简编缀在一起叫“策”(册)又称为“简策”,编缀用的皮条或绳子叫“编”。
The idea for the book Harry Potter and the philosopher’s Stone came to Joanne Kathleen Rowling in 1990.It took her seven years to finish writing it.During those seven years she had a number of jobs.including one job as an English teacher in Portugal. ...
解析 B 答案:B.根据The story of this book___ how young people love each other,可知句子陈述的是一种事实,所以句子用一般现在时.主语是 story 是个单数形式,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,在词尾加s.故选B.这本书讲述了一个年轻人如何爱彼此的故事.考查一般现在时,动词的三单形式,考生注意积累.结果一...
艾利之书中文字幕预告片 The Book of Eli 是在优酷播出的电影高清视频,于2009-09-28 13:29:03上线。视频内容简介:在并不遥远的未来,那是个“后启示录时代”,丹泽尔·华盛顿在片中饰演孤胆英雄艾利,他冒着种种危险,穿越一片废墟的美洲大陆,保护着一本能够拯救人类未来的
内容简介· ··· Joseph M. Levine provides a witty and erudite account of one of the most celebrated chapters in English cultural history, the acrimonious quarrel between the "ancients" and the "moderns" which Jonathan Swift dubbed "the Battle of the Books." The dispute that amused and exci...
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