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In addition,thejudge’scolleagues had the same legal background as he or she, having been trainedinthesamecountryandgenerally broughtupinthesamecultural milieu. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 此外,法官的同事有着同样的法律背景,在同一国家受过训练,一般也曾在相同的文化环境中成 长。
responsive proposalthe scoreassigned to them; to invite each such supplier or contractor to the opening of the envelopes containing the financial aspects of their proposals; and to read out, at the opening of those envelopes,the scoreassigned to each ...
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Objective: To explore the nursing care of patients undergoing extraction of the extraction of the impacted wisdom tooth after propofol anesthesia.Method: 60 patients have undergone painless extraction of impacted tooth preoperative preparetion and psychological care,closely operative cooperation,carefully postop...