THD-F (fundamental wave harmonic component) and THD-R (RMS harmonic component) differ in terms of the formula that is used to calculate them.THD-F is generally used to measure commercial power supplies.
THD-R=sqrt(H2+H3+H4+...)/sqrt(H1+H2+H3+H4+...)THD-F=sqrt(H2+H3+H4+...)/sqrt(H1)H1表示基波的平方,H2 表示二次谐波的平方,H3 表示三次谐波的平方,其余依此类推。
20201129 THD-F和THD-R的区别 THD-F (fundamental wave harmonic component) and THD-R (RMS harmonic component) differ in terms of the formula that is used to calculate them. THD-......
1. THD-F:IEC谐波标准,以基波百分比的方式表示谐波。 2. THD-R:CSA谐波标准,以谐波的有效值百分比方式表示谐波。 THD-R 是在一个信号中以相对整个有效值(基波+谐波分量)的谐波数量百分比表示;THD-F 是相对基波的百分比表示。不同的标准将需要THD-R 或THD-F。 THD-F的基本概念其IEC(国际电工委员会)规定...
THD-R指的是在信号中,以谐波数量相对于整个有效值(基波+谐波分量)的百分比表示;THD-F则是相对于基波的百分比表示。选择THD-R或THD-F取决于所采用的标准。在电能质量分析中,THD-F的计算遵循IEC规定的公式。在电能质量评估和分析时,选择合适的仪器对于获得准确数据至关重要。例如,MAVOWATT 230...
Looking for online definition of THD-R or what THD-R stands for? THD-R is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
THD-r的百分比是指谐波失真电流在电流总有效值中所占的百分比。THD-r是指谐波失真电流(Total Harmonic Distortion of Current),它是电流波形中所有谐波电流与基波电流之和的平方根,通常用百分率表示。在检测仪页面中,THD-r的百分比显示了电流中谐波电流的占比。也就是说,显示的数值越高,电流中...
r = thd(sxx,f,rbw,n,"power") r = thd(___,"aliased") [r,harmpow,harmfreq] = thd(___) thd(___) Description r= thd(x)returns the total harmonic distortion (THD) in dBc of the real-valued sinusoidal signalx. The total harmonic distortion is determined from the fundamental frequen...
Audio THD 计算
The thermal contact resistance depends on the force generated by the applied torque on the screw: Where: F = 2⋅T⋅π P+r⋅D⋅π • T is applied torque on the screw in N*m • P is pitch in m • D is the screw diameter in m • r is the rubbi...