Essentially, any game involving dice could be modified with evolving dice – the possibilities really are endless.To many it may sound a bit of an extreme over reaction, but playing Dice Forge with this great new mechanic has echoes of the first time I played a legacy game. If its starts...
Cornejo Villavicencio: I was really hoping that nobody would ever ask me that question. I don’t like the badX-Menmovies, but I really likedLogan. I really like that little girl, Laura. I have a tattoo of her and I also have a tattoo that says “mutant” on my arm....
Right when Hope and I got back into town last night we had to go straight to an Austin Craft Mafia meeting so today is really my first day home since last night I showered and then got into bed and passed out. Life has not changed much around here except I swear I think the puppy ...