In this Scripture,Jesus is teaching His followers hownotto retaliate when someone does something selfish or hurtful. But you know what? These words don’t sit very well with me. They push on the part of me that desires justice.It isn’t fair,I think.It isn’t fair how the person who...
some businesses have a ton of rules to contend with from the very beginning. Although external forces may impose limits on how we operate, it's still crucial to be mindful of the restrictions we place on ourselves. Even how external regulations are interpreted can lead to different results dep...
and that’s not my intent. Because while Karuba does havesomeluck in it, what it rewards is tactical opportunism. Players who have a strategic map of how they want to reach the temples on the board will generally do better than players who don’t–it always helps to have...
And what about the lyrics? I’m at a disadvantage not speaking Greek but are the songs written with certain themes in mind or are lyrics added afterwards or what? George:Many lyrics come from traditional songs. You choose out of hundreds of couplets, 50 syllables. So have to choose out o...