【无机杀手N/MEME】 I am the man Loki冲他吖的 1.9万 6 0:32 【HazbinHotel/Charlie单人向】oh no meme 散文幻 9.3万 59 0:17 【Open The Door!】不给我开门的话就...😭?!!?!?? 小望_Official 30.1万 16 1:6 【Ayphsrcephily/手书】He's a Monster SPLITHAMSTER 35.2万 378 0:14 【oc...
THATSMYMAN 1月18日 12:54 来自iPhone Repost 抱歉,根据作者设置的微博可见时间范围,此微博已不可见。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 今日memes被THATSMYMAN快转了 1月18日 11:00 来自微博网页版 开!(9gag) 今日meme超话 #今日memes# û收藏 ...
“A long time ago, a man of resourceful and relentless kindness saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself. He trusted me when I thought I was untrustworthy, and took an interest in me that went beyond my initial interest in him. He was the first person I ever wrote about w...
Joke credits: AssociateLoud1033, sanehussain, kevindavis338, deeversant, nobody1701d, kevindavis338, AndrewMacSydney, aneffingonion, houndoom92, Individual_Dream3770, TheRealAuthorSarge, zachthesnacck, Man-e-questions, rafikki123, Straight_Total3945, Legitimate-Motor-346, Smeag969, ilikesidehugs...
Made by the creator of Meme Man Translator That WorksMr beast Generate Random Sentence Send A translator that has very cursed translations. You can use it as a calculator for small addition problems or a way to make your words cursed. It is almost done I just need suggestions. For my ...
Lyrically a few of the songs tackle modern technological quandaries like knowing your meme, sharing images on social media, and picking which font to use when creating a website for kids. Several compositions are simply love letters to cultural phenomena which Hot Dad enjoys, for example rabbits...
Wow. byMichelle Regna BuzzFeed Staff Last night, The Rock andKevin Harthosted the 2016 MTV Movie Awards.