your subject line will be: Congrats on {something noteworthy}. Through a process of trial and error, we’ve found out that this tactic can be a great conversation starter. Just try to focus on building relationships rather than just
ForTumblr: I used the greatpytumblrmodule (and accompanying documentation there) to upload the simulations to atumblr blog. You need to register your application to get authentication keys to be able to post but the process is pretty easy with Tubmlr! The script that does the uploading isbot...
I don't have time to maintain this anymore. I basically wrote the whole library in a rush, without tests, while being a serious expert beginner at the time. As a result, there's a lot of unpredictable moving parts and the tests probably aren't that great either. Don't really know, ...
with discounts available if you sign on for more than a year. In our experience, this pricing isn’t uncommon in the hiring space. Of course, at this price, this product may be best for either large organizations or smaller ones making a big push toward hiring a great team...
They are adaptable. The great thing about memes is that they can be adapted for use in any niche. Your niche is neither too narrow nor abstruse to warrant its own meme. Memes can be low value, so don’t overuse them. When misused, they can devalue the message or brand that you’re...
reaction I’ve gotten so far has been positive which is great, I saw a teacher on Twitter talking about how they used the site to teach their Year 9 class about hand washing which was incredibly awesome," Gibson said. "I never expected it to do the amount of good it seems to be ...
Pro tip:This is great advice that I recommend to all my clients as a copywriter. You always want to make sure that the reader knows why this message is relevant right now. Otherwise, it’s easy to keep scrolling — or inbox surfing — without connecting to your message. ...
In addition, it can be a good way to socialize with friends and family in a friendly setting. It is also a great way to develop teamwork skills, especially in games such as blackjack and poker. There are also several health benefits of gambling, such as a reduction in stress and ...
launched the Total War franchise with a single goal; to offer players a true-to-life grand war experience. Though, specifically, the team didn’t want to just simulate the actual battles. They wanted to tackle every layer of a real war, meaning that gameplay would be 90% managing an empi...
It is important to use infographics when it is needed (articles loaded with statistical data, reports, strategies, etc.). In addition, it would be a great solution to make your infographics dynamic with the help Quality Graphics and Photos ...