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There is currently a group of LDS authors who are writing for a general audience but with LDS standards—clean fiction, if you will. These books can range from light romance to fantasy to serious drama, but don’t include much profanity, if any, no sex scenes and no graphic violence.(I...
The Embanking of the tidal Thames is the historical process by which the lower River Thames, at one time a broad, shallow waterway winding through malarious marshlands, has been transformed by human intervention into a deep, narrow tidal canal flowing between solid artificial walls, and restrain...
doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. There was from the beginning a greater and clear purpose–the understanding of which is key to navigating many difficult topics that challenge people’s faith today: the goal is for us, as sons and daughters of God, tobecome like Them. By definition...
Dennis and Rauni Higley are the authors ofThe Truth About Mormonism, a small book published by The Berean Call,which Lighthouse Trails now carries.The Higleys were both leaders in the Mormon Church prior to their conversion to the Jesus Christ of the Bible. ...
When we look for witnesses, they are plentiful. Jesus said, “Search the scriptures; for… they are they which testify of me”
The men and the women that will be loyal under these circumstances God will exalt, because it will be the highest test to which they can be subjected” (Gospel Truth, 1:7). The Book of Job The story of Job is a test of loyalty. The book of Job “narrates the afflictions that bef...
right for you. It is a daily and sometimes arduous process with the promised outcome of great blessings and promises for those who endure. There is little hoopla and lots of hard work and learning. The outcome of which is to be embraced in totality by the light of God and His ...
I was relegated to living in an unheated attic which I didn’t like and did not have a great relationship with my stepfather. Apparently, there was some kind of Brew Ha-Ha amongst Granny, her daughter, and the stepfather during that summer. I would never learn the particulars of what ...
I also have a larger chest, which is nature-given, by the way. I was shocked that this was being brought up. He told me that the secretary(ies?) were concerned about my modesty. I assured him that I was wearing my garments in the correct way and as long as I’m wearing garments...