I actually did reach out for help before I got that counselling, but I was turned off from the way in which it was handled, and so then until I was forced in the corner, I went to this counselling. I would have preferred to just be able to call and just talk to someone at that...
It is the night before Thanksgiving, and here I sit eating potato chips and promising myself a glass of wine when I finish this post (neither of which is good for my blood pressure or my cholesterol, speaking of the choices theme), needing to make stuffing and cranberry sauce tonight, s...
Life is something to cherish; it would not be the same if I did not have one of my four sisters to spend it with. As all stories have endings, I hope that mine ends with me fulfilling my dream of being a doctor, which has been the sole focus of my life to this point. I would...
I want both Eva and Orlando to tackle the actual text before reading the summary. (I think it’s important for them to be able to claim having read the “Manifesto” which few of its critics can say for themselves.) Please excuse any typos, obscurities of expression, and other faults in...
month, it shows that you are trustworthy when it comes to money. You will get a credit score based on that, and it will be something creditors look at throughout your life: when you go to rent your first apartment, buy or lease your first car or down the road, buy your first ...
but that they could not eat too soon before being active. This commonly meant that meals on these evenings were either very early or very late, neither of which was regarded as ideal, but something that participants had no control over. It was also noted that physical activity could affect ...
but no measurable fever. I’d had IVs in my hand before when I’d been hospitalized, butI didn’t really understand what an infusion was, or that it mattered which vein a needle goes in. I had no idea whatPubMedis. I’d read maybe three medical journal articles in my lifetime. ...
But maybe I’m missing something. I’m often wrong about important things. Regarding how glibly ChatGPT4 used the term “conspiracy theory” before I scolded it: I cringe when anyone says “conspiracy theory” in the context of an objective analysis. This pejorative term is a tool of the ...
22, 23 Attribute substitution is a process that occurs when an individual evaluates one attribute of an object using a different property of that object that comes to mind more easily,24, 25 and the halo effect is a process by which people's global evaluations about something influence their ...
achieved at age 45 after “trying for three years”. I notice she does not say how she “tried” to get pregnant, which makes me wonder if she is leaving out some little detail that may have led to her reproductive success, something like, oh I don’t know, maybe… fertility ...