Blues songs of the day projected the struggles and tragedies in the delta. We highlighted Bessie Smith and her song Backwater Blues today. Although it was not written about the flood of 1927 it was released just as the Levees were breaking along the Mississippi. The song gained national notor...
There wasa greatOneTwo Inch Punch remix of one of these tracks, and Mary Anne Hobbs loves this to bits, which can’t be bad. Maybe a bit mainstream for some, but pushes buttons for me. Just hope she avoids the Tasmin Archer syndrome! Still can’t work out if the double entendre in...
Musical past and present in one rambling run-on sentence:i got a guitar when i was 21 wrote my 1st song at 18.. put the pieces together when i was about 24….. spend most of my musical journey trying to figure out which song I wrote to teach to the band next. I’m currently to...