Ahh..charting: 80% of nursing. And you had too much fun charting When the data refutes the claim. Maybe she was following this: Charting it like you mean it. Now that’s continuity of care Wishing this to all of you! Therapy animals Hey it’s cativan! When mommy’s a nurse… One...
This introvert vs extrovert reality was the most apparent when we were in lockdown andquarantine. Here’s a great introvert vs extrovert meme that demonstrates perfectly the difference between the two personality traits. Woody, looking scared of all the people while Buzz is happy. Relatable Introve...
it’s that employees need good leaders, fair compensation, a healthywork–life balanceand abig support systemto thrive in the workplace. (And that if you’re not careful as a boss, youwillget turned into a meme.)
When you thought it was just a fart, this hilarious baby shart meme says it all with this infant’s face! Diaper Memes Diapers are a staple of parenting, and they come with their fair share of funny moments. Explore a series of entertaining diaper memes that highlight the trials and triu...
Crater Lake is the deepest lake in North America, going down 1,943 feet below its surface. The surrounding park named after the lake was created in 1902. You may also like: Most fun cities in AmericaSource: See the One Funny Meme That Pretty Much Sums Up Minnesota Winters Categories: Wea...
Recently,thememe "AaBaAaBa" hasbeenpopular.Butdoyouknowthememewasfirstusedtolaughatthedeafanddumb?Whatifyouweremadefunof?Usingtoomanymemescancausecommunicationproblems.(1)WhomayprobablysharethesameopinionwithXiaXiaoyu? ___A.Thewriter.B.ChenShuqi.C.ZengXinyue.D.LiuJiaming.(2)WhatdoesZengXinyuethink...
Given how this timeline change has become an overused trope in Flash comics, the meme pokes fun at the monotony withtheGrand Theft Autocharacter, CJ, remarking his meme-famous line “Ah s***, here we go again.” To Rogue Or Not To Rogue ...
The meme: Divorced from its context, the line sounds like it's talking about something so obvious that it's not even worth saying. It spread because people found that obviousness funny, and was often used to either make fun of the character or to point out things that were similarly obvi...
When Donald Trump was not the US President he often complained about how often then US President Barack Obama played golf. This hilarious Golf meme sums up the same. The Perfectionist We are sure you must have come across such situations before. How many times did you come ...
题目 "Shuan Q" is a meme(网络流行语)which can be used as a popular way to say "I'm speechless" with a matching emoji(表情包)at ached behind.No-one can deny the power of the Internet.Some believe it makes language weaker but some see a brighter side,...