根据第三段中This universe of algorithm-driven decisions has society-wide implications: "It extends to influence our physical spaces,our cities,and the routes we move through…flattening them in turn." No one gets out of the Filterworld untouched.(这种由算法驱动的决策对整个社会都有影响:"它延伸...
根据第一段关键句“It is flatter, smoother, larger and emptier than a “typical” universe predicted by the known laws of physics.”(它比已知的物理定律所预测的“典型”宇宙更平坦、更光滑、更大、更空洞。)和倒数第二段关键句“This makes me suspect that there is a basic but unexamined ...
Angel numbers are a sign from the divine (whatever you call it — God, a source, your higher self, the universe, etc.) that you’re on the right track.” According to the writer of the Cosmo item, one Jaliessa Sipress (which I have to say is a wonderful name), angel numbers can...
a:In the beginning, when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate.The raging ocean that covered every thing was engulfed in total darkness, and the spirit of God ws moving over the water.Then God commanded: Let there be light—and light appeared :在起点,当上帝创造了...
“And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars.”— Beth Revis,Across the Universe (movie) “In my life, where nothing else is sure, this one thing is certain: You are my everything.” “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to...
1说下为什么Over the centuries,___ that try to explain the origins of the universe.A.although many theories B.many theoriesC.have many theories been D.there have been many theories 2【题目】说下为什么Over the centuries,__ that try to explain the origins of the universe .A . although...
Even though the Earth seems really big to us, it's actually a very tiny part of the universe. The Sun has a mass of 330, 000 times the Earth. The Sun is just one star in the Milky Way galaxy that contains over 300 billion stars and scientists estimate that there are over 170 ...
Today,NASA’s Hubble Space Telescopepushes the frontiers of knowledge over 10 times farther than Edwin Hubble could ever see. The space telescope has lifted the curtain on a compulsive universe full of active stars, colliding galaxies, and runaway black holes, among the celestial fireworks of the...
It's so very easy to get lost in the small yet vast universe of insects. With so many species and so varied a range of adaptations, you just want to read on and on, or to shrink yourself down and experience just for a moment what their splendid and multifarious universe must be like...
” This model, to my knowledge, is the only one that outlines the universe with mathematics — both numbers and geometries — with causal efficacy from the first instance to this very moment. There are thirtypresuppositions. If, in some manner, these are engaged,we believe there could be a...