The Party asks us to unite with all those who can be united. 黨要求我們團結一切可以團結的人。 He admires those who succeeded. (Quirk) 他羡慕那些獲得成功的人。 Those who laugh last, laugh best. 誰笑到最後,誰笑得最好。 Those (whom) we met ...
因为从道理上来讲,这里的actions是泛指那些已经采取了的actions,更多的是表示一个概念,而不是指具体的某些actions,也不是指ordering the death of a high ranking member of our intelligence这件具体的事,或者说说话人心目中在说话的时候并没有在想某些具体的actions,这和those actions taken by UK in the past...
演變的結果是,that 在現代英語中性和格的區別已完全失去,歸併爲陽、中、陰三性通用,並且沒有格變的單數形式 that 和複數形式 those。 1.3 that 的詞性及其發展 現在大多數英語詞典都將 that 的詞性分爲四類:形容詞 → 代詞 (指示代詞和關係代詞)→ 連詞 → 副詞...
“that”在英文中是一个使用频率很高的单词。它有四种词性,并且句法及语法功能纷繁复杂。同学们如果不能熟练掌握其用法,很可能会形成英语学习的一种障碍,从而影响其学习兴趣和效率。现将that的用法总结归纳如下: 第一、that 用作形容词(后接复数名词时用those)。 它用来指已被提到的人或物;也可...
I'll teach children learning methods. When homework every day, and I will give everyone arrangement of different assignments, which is based on their study, learning achievement, who are weak link, I will decorate some typical subject to allow students to practice, For those who learn is stabl...
in making those remarks, a rent [...] 我曾在剛才的發言中說過, 不管局長說得多麼動聽,只要不以入息中位 數作為釐定租金的比例,是很容易啟動加租行動的。 [...] Maimonides, owed its authority to the fact that it was recognized as the most convenient codificatio...
percentageofcostsfromthosewhochooseandcan afford to pay more for, say, semi-private beds was generally supported, as Dr the Honourable LEONG Che-hung himself justsaidthat65%of his constituents agreed. 事實㆖,諮詢文件㆗的㆒個構思,是向自願付出而又能負擔得起較高費...
All those concerned must work together in order that agreement can be reached on this issue. (OLD) 一切有關人員必須通力合作,以便能在這個問題上達成協議。 D. 引導讓步、條件狀語從句 a. 由 that 引導讓步狀語從句 在正式文體和文學作品中,爲了強調讓步的意...
It was those teletype machines (that) they have in all the good restaurants there.(Heller) 在那兒的一些高級飯店裏,他們有的是那些電傳機。 What is it (that) you have to sell? (Dickens) 你該賣掉的是什麼呀? If it is I (that) you do love,...