糖在当今社会已经相当流行了,如果你从一个标准的超市货架上,移除含糖的所有物品,那就只剩下20%的货物了。 于是,一部关于糖的恐怖片就这样出现了,这就是大名鼎鼎的《一部关于糖的电影》(That Sugar Film)。 1955年9月23日,美国总统艾森豪威尔深...
That Sugar Film: Directed by Damon Gameau. With Damon Gameau, Hugh Jackman, Milla Bakaitis, Richard Davies. Damon Gameau embarks on an experiment to document the effects of a high sugar diet on a healthy body.
【纪录片整理】- That Sugar Film 这篇影评可能有剧透 Chapter 1. “万物皆可白砂糖”分享一部今年9月底看完刷新自己对食品认知的纪录片 -- "一部关于糖的电影"有意识的控制糖的摄入至今已经有半个月多,感觉精神状态不错,味觉好像也敏锐了一些,对糖更不耐受了,终于培养出了一类自己不吃的东西!于是在一个周...
《糖,苦的事實》網易公開課上面有,有興趣可自行搜尋。這部分可以當作學術研究來補充the sugar film的...
《that sugar film》中文译作《一部关于糖的电影》(以下简作《糖》)。最早知道这部电影是在keep上,作为资深运动小白一枚(惭愧!锻炼已经是第181天,体型有了一些小变化,但是体重丝毫没有变化,肉还是不离不弃)我终于决定好好了解自己真实的状况!以下是我看纪录片的心得,和大家分享一下 ...
'That Sugar Film' doc explores truth about sugar--TORONTO - With some people calling sugar toxic...Abraham, Lois
the substitutes the success propositi the succession wars the suffering servant the sugar the summary of some f the summer is gone the summer winds the summers gone and the summit the sun burns the sun comes up in g the sun especially va the sun gives light the sun is in your ha the ...
所谓的低热量的食物 如 燕麦、低脂酸奶、吐司,摄入的含糖量惊人就罢了,还不容易有饱腹感。 会让你...
What is the career success is all about? What does the fix it mean? When something goes wrong? What should it be done for? The same mistake? Why shouldn't we apologize for no mistakes? What kind of person would people like to work with? Work with a partner and role play the ...