You can also sign up and send me an email.You’ll also see the widgets for my Podcasts and Blogs as ‘That Oneness Guy’to the right on each page for your convenience. *** You can also use this site to take you to my other websites. Please click on theDR ONESONG FOUNDATIONwhere ...
Stephanie Hoyt is a new-to-me gay romance novel author and I’m so excited to check this one out. Buy on Amazon Paranormal Gay Romance Novels Wolfsongby T.J. Klune Ox was twelve when his daddy taught him a very valuable lesson. He said that Ox wasn’t worth anything and people wo...
While Cropper calls Stewart "the greatest guy I've ever met," the label head was known to be critical. "He knew if you fought for something, like a song, that it was a good song. And if you didn't fight for it, it wasn't worthnothing," Cropper...
“Yes, I’m in control of my diary, but there are people who want me in Spain, Sweden, Australia… so I get pulled and tugged around the world.” “I would never ever want to write a song, release it and feel I didn’t get that person’s approval first, as we were in a seri...
the song of working h the songs of maldoror the sons of aaron the the sons of gad sephi the sons of korhal the soong sister the soul of ireland the sound of music the sound of backwash the sound of good new the sound of snowflak the sound of their vo the sound of violence the ...
This is one of my favorite songs! Every time this comes on all I can picture is a guy throwing me onto a bed, blindfolding me, and tying me up. This song is amazing when you want to be teased and played with. Elaborate ... ...
One guy carries and checks-in the big tube. Well…this is your friendly public service announcement. Mexico seems like it’s really going out of it’s way at the airports to streamline your arrivals and departures. Especially for folks arriving on vacation. I saw a study where the average...
i let a song go out o i let what i liberia i lie on bed i lied to him i life assurance i like a lot of diffe i like a toy i like apples i like best i like blowing bubble i like bubble baths i like dogs very much i like drinking juice i like footballs i like for you to...
And don't you think that you can be the one I know that it's you and we just begun Begun You got me all papa going all nanana night And I ain't neva gonna stop doin' you right Naaai aahaai I'mma be that only guy only guy ...
The song has since become a classic of Eminem's discography and is often cited as one of his best comedic works. It has been featured in numerous films and television shows, including The 40-Year-Old Virgin, The House Bunny, and Family Guy....