i like my countries f i like my friend i like my name i like north i like paper folding i like peaches i like qingdao i like simple life i like small and simp i like star i like sweet bananas i like that you worry i like the colour i like the design i like the lyrics i like...
ill go to the meeting ill go with a song of ill just follow you a ill just play it by e ill just watch you ill stand on my own f ill take what scares ill take you in my wi ill turn it for you i im a chinese boy im asking why im better today im calling to tell yo im ...
When someone is angry at me, I navigate away from them. When someone is disappointed, I try my level best to ensure I don’t again. I’m very emotional, I do whatever I can to protect my family. I make sure I be the best Son/Brother/Husband/Father/Friend I can. It never make ...
Still coming off the Rockin’-Fueled Vapors of Led Zep II; 00 admits to several listenings of both sides of LZ III to orient and absorb the vibe. As it turns out this album contains some of the best “Hard Rock Heart” in lyrics, composition and physical/emotional/ mental performance of...
A Recurrent Neural Network that can learn song lyrics and their melodies and then given a melody and a few words to start with, predict the rest of the song. This is essentially done by generating new words for the song and attempting to be as “close” as possible to the original lyric...
My production studio on a Friday night and working new lyrics and new sings to whatever my latest song parody might be. Now, not that I couldn’t still do my studio thing but that was always just a half hour home. It’s two hours now, and when the end of a Friday comes it’s,...
s Worth the Salt of My Tears”(part of the Paul Whiteman band’s playbook) as he was with a classically designed rag like “Guest of Honor” (dedicated to his son Honor) or an anthem as resolute and haunting as“I Will Be Free,”which dares you to come up with lyrics as eloquent...
I even set the ending of my music video for my song “Love Story” at my fantasy imaginary college, where I meet a male model reading a book on the grass and with one single glance, we realize we had been in...
Then what I ended up doing was that I wrote the letter out on posits and put it out on my piano. I set it to music actually not necessarily because I wanted to make a song on my record, but more because I wanted to memorize it. I find that sing...
it is such a fucking heartbreaking song. and it was even more heartbreaking to me then, because i was relatively newly sober and already felt like that was the best thing i had ever done for myself in my life. it’s such a badass song, and she was such a badass talent. all ...