“That's the way the cookie crumbles”是什么意思? 意思是“事情就是这样发生的,无法改变;这就是生活(或某件事)的常态或结果”。它通常用于接受并认同一件已经发生且无法改变的事情,带有一种接受现实并继续前行的态度。 情景会话1 我考试没...
因此,学会接受这些事情,理解“事情就是这样发生的”不仅可以释放内心的压力,还能激发新的动力。 总结来说,"That's the way the cookie crumbles" 这句话可能简单,但其背后蕴含着深邃的人生哲理。生活的确充满了变化和不可预测性,面对这些不稳定因素,我们不妨抱着更加开放和接受的态度,学会从容应对未来的挑战。这样,...
Cookie was introduced in the phrase from the popular snack crumbling if it is not consumed in time, which somehow connects with life and being able to accept the bad end of something sweet. Synonyms | Variants that’s how the cookie crumbles that’s just the way the cookie crumbles...
Zoey: Yeah, that's the way the cookie crumbles. Maybe you can try again tomorrow.(是啊,事情就是这样。也许你可以明天再试试。)
that's the way the cookie crumbles, 这个短语挺实用,含义是“(通常是不好的事)已成定局,无法变更” #英语习语 - 羊羊英语于20231108发布在抖音,已经收获了32个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
俚语。译为“事情就是这样”“事情只能这样了”强调引发一个不如意结果的失败,并且暗示这个结果也并不是没有意料到 参考资料:http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?defid=690293&term=that%27s+the+way+the+cookie+crumbles
That's the way the cookie crumbles "That's the way the cookie crumbles" basically means "That's just the way that things happen," but only when speaking about unpleasant events.|I agree with @Southeastern and @ObstreperousB, with one small additional poi
Now you're sure to win the science fair.that's the way the cookie crumbles interj informal, figurative (acceptance of [sth] disappointing) (指接受令人失望之事)生米已经煮成熟饭;生活就是这么回事;认命呗the exception proves the rule, it's the exception that proves the rule expr (a truth: ...
However, apart from the threat of implementation flaws in encryption libraries, another significant threat arises when web services fail to enforce ubiquitous encryption. A recent study explored this phenomenon in popular services, and demonstrated how users are exposed to cookie hijacking attacks with ...
As my friend Chrissy says, “I always find it amusing watching the other people on the flight. When the service comes around, they act like they are being served their last snack ever.” I’d never fussed all that much, but this time, that silly little cookie suddenly meant the world ...