Clumsy Bird - Flappy Bird clone in JavaScript using MelonJavaScript. Coffee Snake - HTML5 snake game written in CoffeeScript. Coil - HTML5 canvas game where you defeat enemies by wrapping enemies in your trail. Color Quest - Infinite runner following a black and white pixel's quest to change...
Come to my gym on Monday mornings to watch this fat, clumsy, white girl try to dance. I can see myself in the mirror, and I can’t help but think that my uncoordinated movements would be better served by playing the Benny Hill theme song than the salsa music that’s usually playing...
If aesthetics in the West is mainly concerned with theories of art, that of Japan has always been concerned with theories of taste. What is beautiful depends not upon imagination (as Addison thought) nor qualities proper in the object (as Hume said) nor in its paradoxes (as Kant maintained)...
clumsy clot coin-slot come to nought croziered abbot daring not death slot death squad deep in thought definitely not diddly-squat double knot dred scott em quad en quad expansion slot eye snot eye-snot fine-wrought firing squad fisherman's knot fishing rod fly swat food for thought fresh ca...
It was the tea set that she and her sister had played with when they were children. We liked it. But. I don’t think we appreciated it. We were not careful enough, or perhaps we were only young and clumsy—it’s not like we were sipping fake whiskey and then throwing the cups int...
I designed the following parable to deliver its moral using a fixed, but versatile formula. See whether you can spot it. The King had a son who loved nothing better than to sit indoors and study. Despite the numerous books that already surrounded him, the young Prince was desperate to peru...
Butterfingered: a person who frequently drops things; clumsy person; bungler. –You have just permitted the cleverest rascal in the state to slip through your butterfingers. Buttonlike: small and round and shiny like a shiny bead or button; beadlike; beady. –When it comes to a speedy came...
. - Clumsy climbers are more likely to stumble back into the centre of furniture instead of falling off the sides, and stepping down from a height is less likely to result in a fall. - Arm mass now slightly affects weight. - Skirts and shorts now render properly over skinny thighs. - ...
and even after five years of marriage we’re still goofy and mushy and hold hands wherever we go. (And that’s NOT just because I’m clumsy and will probably trip on myself if I’m wearing heels.) I really love being with this guy, and one of the few things better than hanging ...
–On rainy days I would play shadow tennis: hitting at an imaginary tennis ball. Raisable: capable of being raised; raiseable; mobile. Raised: located or moved above the surround or above the normal position; up; lifted. Raising: increasing in quantity or value; increasing. Rakish: marked ...