The now-brotherless Ellwood Blues (Dan Aykroyd) is finally out of prison, attempting to reunite the old band and find a few new partners in crime (John Goodman), (J. Evan Bonifant). In this sequel to the original "Blues Brothers" comedy/musical, Ellwood battles the Chicago police, sings...
Fronted by the late Ronnie Van Zant and featuring a trio of blazing guitarists, the band crafted a sound that drew from their roots in the American South, blending country, blues, and rock into a potent musical brew. Their hits such as "Free Bird" and "Sweet Home Alabama" have become ...
Featuring 12 tracks that range from big hits like "Can't Buy Me Love," "With A Little Help From My Friends" and "Something," to hidden gems such as "I'm So Tired," "I've Got A Feeling," and "Yer Blues," Williams and her band inhabit the Beatles' timeless songs and give them...
it handedRobert Cray BandBest Contemporary Blues Recording forDon't Be Afraid of the Dark. And it's also dished out goodies (of the statuette, rather than the sweet, variety) to the likes ofMavis Staples' "See That My Grave Is Clean,"Chick Corea's "Three Ghouls," andMastodon's "A ...
A key recording that more than any other defined the Nordic Tone in jazz, a Scandinavian kind of blues that places intensity, tone, space and meaning ahead of virtuosic athleticism. Taking ages old Swedish folk melodies from Svenska Låtar and then interpreting them from a jazz perspective, Jo...
Originally titled "Great Society Conflict Veteran's Blues," John Prine's "Sam Stone" is a poignant story about a man who returns home from serving overseas, riddled with gruesome memories, only to develop an addiction to a drug that ultimately kills him. Prine was a veteran himself, and th...
We're not shocked if this bedroom paint color comes across as more blue to you than it does green, but that's because this muted hue has heavy blue undertones. In this primary bedroom, designerMinnette Jacksonwanted it to feel serene, so she stuck with a color palette of watery blues an...
It makes an interesting B-side to “Running Free,” but we’re glad it didn’t make the cut for the band’s flawless self-titled debut. (BI) 161. "Nodding Donkey Blues" - 'Fear of the Dark' (1992) EMI 169. "Nodding Donkey Blues" - 'Fear of the Dark' (1992) Iron Maiden ...
Poor me another so I become estranged and addicted Lady Sings the Blues was my song Tryna’ wait on God but He seems to take too long Dancing would have been nice if it wouldn’t have sickened my brain Spirituality gone wild need a lion trainer to tame ...
He underscores his family’s influence as he continues, “My grandfather taught me rhythm and blues and jazz. My grandmother is where the honky-tonk came from. ShelovedCharlie Rich and Conway Twitty and Charlie Pride and all those balladeers, George Jones.” ...