and automatic transmission options. Now though, Mahindra has introduced new variants of the Thar that have shed the 4x4 system and are rear-wheel drive (RWD) only. There is also a new small capacity diesel engine, which has tax benefits, and thereby, reduced price. It is better value now...
For the first time, Mahindra will offer a petrol engine with the Thar along with the diesel engine. The all-new 2.0-litre petrol engine has been developed in-house by Mahindra. It is a turbocharged engine and generates more power than the diesel counterpart. The four-cylinder 2.0-litre petr...
As this will be the cheaper variant, it is expected to come with a 1.5-litre diesel engine. The normal Thar comes with 2.0-litre mStallion petrol and a 2.2-litre mHawk diesel engine with manual and automatic gearboxes. The 1.5-litre unit is expected to come with manual gearboxes only. ...