This gorgeous Thanksgiving bulletin cover is the perfect thing for offering Happy Thanksgiving wishes to your visitors as they come through the doors, with a picture of colorful autumn leaves as the backdrop. Fonts used: alpha, Have Heart One ...
Bulletin November 22,1961, Thanksgiving EveTrinity Avenue Presbyterian Church
Wish your visitors a happy Thanksgiving with this Thanksgiving Dinner Church Trifold Bulletin that features a Thanksgiving meal on the table. Fonts used: Bodoni 72 Oldstyle, Nexa Bold, Avenir Book Properties Audience Church Media Media Type ...
This is a great art project for teachers who teach first grade and older children. Use it to teach children the history of Thanksgiving and how we celebrate the season. Use the crafts to decorate bulletin boards or send them home with your students to decorate their own Thanksgiving tables....
Duke Memorial United Methodist Church
Bulletin November 21, 1962, Thanksgiving EveTrinity Avenue Presbyterian Church
DMUMC Thanksgiving Bulletin November 23, 1961Duke Memorial United Methodist Church
DMUMC Thanksgiving Bulletin November 26, 1959Duke Memorial United Methodist Church