Unlike my current phone which can play virtually any song ever written and has a billion other features that would’ve wowed my 13-year-old self, my Walkman was a pretty Spartan device. Sure, there were a few buttons and switches whose function I never figured out, but it was as straig...
“I get that,” he said. “You went the wrong way though. This trail is sopping wet due to all the water hundreds of miles away that makes it way to here. If you had gone left instead of right, there is a drier trail with a rope swing on an old oak tree.” A swing!I thoug...
But as her light began to dim, I wondered if I’d done enough. I used the one unfailing talent the lord gave me to honor her. Here are the original lyrics to the song “Give Me My Rose“: Give me my flowers While I yet live So that I, I, I can see the beauty That they br...