Occasionally you get that one person that says "I really like that one part of this joke" and you go, "Oh thank you that's my favorite part too." But no, in order for it to be authentic hopefully you have jokes that everyone can just get on board with and then you have a few ...
I am both honored and blessed to have had such a wonderful career with the LA Galaxy and I am thankful for everything the club, the fans and the community has done for me and my family. —Cobi Jones 4 I am very proud of my mom and consider her the most courageous woman I know. ...
I’m so blessed by this app. Get it!! more GeniusofWords , 09/09/2018 Whoever created has a beautiful soul Thank you for this app it is amazing and has been helping me through a really tough spot in my life. I’ve made many realizations about myself and will definitely be ...
the ways that they have blessed and influenced me.I hold sweet memories of making the opportunityto thank teachers who have influenced me.I encourage everyone to seize opportunitiesto tell people who have made a gift of knowledge or influence.- Mary Anne Radmacher...
after being consistent I started taking the time to reflect and answer honestly. With depression and anxiety it’s really important that I control my emotions. This app allows me to reflect and smile over the past. I’m so blessed by this app. Get it!! 更多 GeniusofWords , 2018/09/...
Moreover, I am thankful for my job and for being able to meet some of the team members this year.” –Diana Alvarez, Operations Manager ”This holiday season I feel grateful and blessed for all the wonderful opportunities I have had in 2017. I am thankful for the fantastic team I am ...
Ya know what Darlin’ ?Even in the midst of hardships (clearly, so many have been affected, either financially, by natural disasters, or heartbreaking personal challenges) with faith we must look and find our comfort in God, in His Word and in the goodness that He has blessed us with. ...
5. Blessed to have roof over my head and plenty of food clothing and books Reply Cathy Bates December 24, 2020 at 10:57 AM I am thankful for my friends and family. Even though we have not been able to get together for our usual celebrations, we have been able to Zoom and talk on...
This app allows me to reflect and smile over the past. I’m so blessed by this app. Get it!! more GeniusofWords , 09/09/2018 Whoever created has a beautiful soul Thank you for this app it is amazing and has been helping me through a really tough spot in my life. I’ve ...
Joy requires one to be awake, Adjusting the heart's ambience to bright. Some prefer the dark, as is their right, On grounds of agony, and to forsake Not only bliss, but all that's blessed by light. —Nick Gordon 77 Never awake me when you have good news to announce, because with ...